Author Topic: Bold new project  (Read 6182 times)

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First off.... Please excuse me for posting in your part of the forums... I am part of TPB team, but I am spinning off my own mod.. It is a pretty bold mod, and will bring a very good twist to the FS2 modding community.... It is called FreeSpace 2 Universes: When Universes Collide.  It is an extreme what if mod that brings all of the major mods together... Star Trek, Star Wars, B5, FS2, Battlestar Galatica, and many more will be attempted to be seen in this mod... It is in it's infant stages right now, but I have a few pix to show the insane fun I am offering...

The klingon brid of prey is brand new, and I made her myself... She has 5 LODs, 3k+ poly on LOD0, and is stable... Have all shine, glow, and detailed textures... She even has here own effects and AI.... I have her very close to movie/ series quality.... I would like to help you with your models... To help bring them to movie like quality... I am also working with TBP crew, and will be sharing my time equally amongst mods... I hope your team would be interested in helping to bring this mod to life! I am going to be getting web support in bout 4 months... This project is at it's infant stages.... Thanx for your time in advance! Stithe2000


Offline redmenace

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lol wrong forum
Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
              -Frederic Bastiat

Actually.. No... This is the FS2 upgrade project right? I am upgrading all the ships to very high definition models, and textures! Is that some of things that this project does? If not, then yes... Wrong forum! However, wanted to help with upgrading the models to help you in this project since it was going to be done in Universes... FreeSpace 2 is the base line of the story anyway!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2004, 09:01:14 pm by 1929 »

that mod soundsgreat hurry up and make it. :)

Thx! I am trying to get it done as fast as humanly possible... Just need help is all! :P


Offline Taristin

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Possibly the wrong forum, but what the hey...  

You want to make high poly versions of the ships? :yes:

Show us how the Serapis should look, and I'll worship you. :D
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist

hehehe! I could, but it would be 1k poly count... For in order to make it look good I would have to honor the partly organic look the Vasudans have... However.... It can be done! :D

Uh oh. The mod sounds extremely...Iffy. Something vs. Something crossovers aren't exactly bad news, but this sounds like Something vs. Something vs. Something vs. Something vs. Something. Maybe do crossovers with 2 things at a time instead? Like FS + B5, or FS + ST?

Well, either way, if you can get it to work out smoothly, that would be a Sci-Fi dream-come-true.

Just make sure the shivans pwn everyone. EVERYONE. ;) :D
Carpe Diem Poste Crastinus

"When life gives you lemons...
Blind people with them..."

"Yah, dude, penises rock." Turambar



Offline Taristin

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Originally posted by stithe2000
hehehe! I could, but it would be 1k poly count... For in order to make it look good I would have to honor the partly organic look the Vasudans have... However.... It can be done! :D

I don't care about poly count :p My rig can handle it! :D
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Singh

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do you have any good story for this?
(if not, i think i may have a good one lying about somewhere)

What kind of missions are you planning?

What side are we playing? The GTVA? or one of the other universes?

Do the Shivans pwn everyone?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, but this just sounds awesome. What kind of help do you need? I can help with minor (note: minor, not too much) Fredding if you like :D
"Blessed be the FREDder that knows his sexps."
"Cursed be the FREDder that trusts FRED2_Open."
Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(

Yes.... I do have a story line.... Here it is in a nut shell.... It picks up bout 9 years after the Capella incident with the Shivans at the end of the original FS2... The 1st 5 to 7 missions will consist of the building of a new knossos gate... Those missions will refamiliarize people on how to fly, and fight... It will also cover what has happened in the last 9 years... Such as, problems with resources, piracy, and renegade forces...
    When the switch is thrown for the knossos gate to activate, it worx only for a split second, then explodes... The Vasudan Captain who was there when the original knossos was destroyed recalls his comments of loss of info, and the response of we have enough information, as he witnesses the destruction of the 2nd gate... From the explosion 3 rifts form... Each goes to the major universes... B5, Star Wars, Star Trek.... As time goes on other rifts form between the major rifts to stabalize the area, but they also open gate ways to other univereses! That is the time table for FS2...
Star Wars Universe.... It is in the middle of the Battle of Endor... The shield for the Death Star is still up, and the fighting is intense.... Out of the blue... 2 borg cubes pop in.... :D I will tell you more of the line later! That is the time area where star wars!
Star Trek: It is aftre the movie 1st Contact, and after Voyager returns to Federation space... Way before Nemesis... A lot of sub-space interference has been detected on the far edge of the quadrant, and reports of the klingons engaging an unknown force....
B5: It is right after Earth has been taken, and the ISA is young... Sherridan is still on B5, and the Centauri have not been indicated as the hostile forces attacking the transport lines... Reports of large strange triangular ships have been sighted in Centauri Space...
That is the basic time line... However.... It is a huge what if mod that will be ever attempted.... SO... If you have a good story line... throw it in there... I would like it where almost every descision, and outcome of a mission will play where the story goes... Our imagination is our limit... The hardest part... Is finding help: Writers, Mission Designers, Effects artists, modelers, texturers, beta testers, animation designers, and SCP support... And yes... The Shivans are in this, and they do not like outsiders in their Universe! Lets just say that they turn their attention away from the GTVA, and focus on the Empire, and the Borg! Alliances will be formed, and broken... And a Darth Vader will become Anikan on his own to find his son, and rescue him from the Borg.... This will be a fun project if we get enough people on, for if we have enough we can knock out the basics first (which is the hardest part), and then have some real fun with mission designing, and seeing our stories come to life!
Also.... Feel free to ask as many questions you like, for that is the onyly way of getting started is asking the right question, and then working on finding the answer!

Lastly... Before I forget to answer the last question... What sides will be played... The player will have a chance to play all major Universes sides to see the entire sotry in all dimensions... From Klingon, Terran, Vasudan, Federation, Rebellion, The Empire, etc! As I said... Imagination is our limit!


Offline Taristin

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Imagination and slave labor. Who'll fred all of these?! :p
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist

I am doing the main line, and whoever can help tweak them as it progresses... as for the if/then outcome line missions... if you see a good what if scenario then we will grow with it... I am asking anyone and everyone who has ideas to play with the ideas, and fred! Also to best answer the question.. Play it by ear, for it is in the infant stages!


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Just trying to process this all is giving me a migrane.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline Fury

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He sure does not lack enthusiasm...



Offline Getter Robo G

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Since I came here in 2001 (As Star Dragon)...

   The Nexus Chronicles (may or may not still be in skippy's FS2 Campaign Database) All universes at war...

   But I am glad great minds DO think alike...

Expect me to come hunt you down in one thread (site) as I will not reply to each of your threads ;D . I think we could bounce ideas around, if you are interested? (have you read my fanfiction on
I started writing it down like a year after I got to HLP

  If you don't mind finishing off models or fixing geometry errors I have a few thousand models you should look at (none are mine, I do not model)...

  One of my favorite screens of all time 5 good universes against 5 evil universes (was the backdrop for Steak's Birthday render before he left the FIRST time!) :D

Who remembers this picture?

   Robotech vs The Empire, vs Babylon 5, vs The Borg, vs FS2 Custom ships...

« Last Edit: November 05, 2004, 08:49:28 pm by 2035 »
"Don't think of it as being out-numbered, think of it as having a WIDE target selection!"

"I am the one and ONLY Star Dragon..."
Proof for the noobs:  Member Search

[I'm Just an idea guy, NOT: a modeler, texturer, or coder... Word of advice, "Watch out for the ducks!"]

Robotech II - Continuing...
FS2 Trek - Snails move faster than me...
Star Blazers: Journey to Iscandar...
FS GUNDAM - The Myth lives on... :)

I can use all the help I can get! What ideas do you have in mind... Any models I get I take a look at... Fix, update, or even redo with love! Here is my latest...
My latest render.... No Texture or anything... Currently at 2.4k poly, and estimate it will be 4k+ poly count with 5 stable LODs.... I have not seen any good Galaxy Classes out there worth just converting to straight pof... Thoughts anyone?