Author Topic: A little work on the side...  (Read 3029 times)

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A little work on the side...
I've been trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to create a story for my campaign.  I've come up with some good ideas, but nothing solid.  Then it dawned on me, I should write it.  Not as a mission synopsis or step by step plan, but as a story, as it should be.  I need some opinions on this however, and I'm hoping to get some creative feedback here.  This is what I have so far.

The familiar blue swirl of a subspace jump came into view, forming a massive vortex of spinning light.  Appearing, as if from the mouth of a great beast of space, was a lone ship.  Its dark, militaristic green paint coating doing little to dispel the darkness of space around it.  The vessel was massive, though not nearly as massive as her adversaries had been.  Deep scars, no doubt formed by beam weaponry, crisscrossed its hull.  In a few spots, one could even make out the shapes of breaches, the result of explosions tearing through the armor and spacing sections.  Across her port side, nearly unrecognizable from battle damage, the words GTD Franklin came into view.  

   Facing the huge destroyer was the new headquarters of the GTVA, Boone Station. Huge numbers of ships were swarmed around her, many even more damaged than the Franklin.  Supply ships and repair teams operating in the vacuum of space attended to every ship they could, but were woefully undermanned.  From every ship came Argo transports, carrying thousands of wounded and bringing back more materials.  The mood was grim, the situation dire.

   On board the bridge of the Franklin, Admiral Yukasi Togishe stood at the view port and surveyed the damage.  Standing only an average six feet, and a man of small frame, many took him to be a simple commander, and a fairly ordinary person.  His regular black hair and typical brown eyes did little to discourage this stereotype.  It was his face, however, and the gaze of his eyes that broke this illusion. His crew and those who served with him knew even more of the truth, for they had seen his fierce demeanor in battle, and his cunning in the most desperate of situations.  Many knew that if not for him, the Franklin and her crew might’ve have perished along with countless others in Capella.  A capable tactician, and an imaginative strategist, Togishe had fought in many incursions, first against the NTF, and then against the Shivans.  Despite the chaos and horror that greeted the crew on their return to allied space, Togishe remained calm and impassive.  To himself only did he consider his sheer despair.

And these were the lucky ones. He thought.

   Surveying the damage, one undeniable fact dawned on the survivors, both of the Franklin and other ships: there were very few destroyers present.  Only a handful, it seemed, had made it out.  Only twenty were at the station, and only a small minority were Hecates.  In a bizarre twist of fate, the older Orions had outlasted their newer counterparts.  Though Togeshi suspected some of that was due to their rearline action, he had to admit that some of them must’ve had the best luck in the galaxy.  

“Admiral, we’re approaching Boone station.” Togeshi’s navigation officer, Lieutenant Brian Ricger, informed him.

“Very good.  What’s their status?” Togeshi asked the comm officer, ensign Jessica Erendis.

“They report their repair staff is a bit overwhelmed at the moment, and that no docking ports are available on pylons one or two at this time.”

“Overwhelmed is an understatement.  What do they suggest we do about our damage?”

“All necessary materials for ship repair are being loaded onto transports right now.  They request that we use our own crews until more personnel can be freed up.”

   Togishe knew that was a bad idea.  His crews had been working non stop just to keep the ship intact, and many of their repairs would not last without permanently damaging many of the ship’s vital systems.  

“Tell them to transfer the materials into docking bay.  Move us into position near the station, then power down all nonessential systems.  Order the repair crew to take at least four hours rest, and then to resume their duties.” Togishe ordered.  

“Aye sir, taking up stationary posting just above the station.” Ricger replied.

“Relaying message to the station Admiral. They concur.” Erendis reported.

   The destroyer glided gracefully amongst the horde of ships, scattering supply transports and debris in its wake.  It pulled up in a climb, rising above the station.  It turned, facing the ragged fleet, and stopped.  The massive engines flashed brightly once, then died.  Four ships, Ellysium class transports, headed for her fighter bay.

   Togishe, for all the sorrow of the situation, couldn’t help but feel relieved at having fought the good fight, and returned alive.

Elsewhere, near the remains of the Capella jump node.

   Four blocky ships moved in slow formation away from the edge of the system, each one bearing the last precious cargo of the lost colony.  Triton freighters, each crammed with civilians, made their way to the station, feeling no particular urge to hurry.  For many of the passengers, and even the crew, the loss was still difficult to believe.  A home, a place of refuge, a symbol of stability in the chaos of the times was gone.  All that was left were the survivors, and the cold debris that was once the Capella system.  Beside them, like sorrow filled guardians, five Perseus class interceptor fighters kept a vigil over the tiny convoy.  These five, the last of a proud squadron decimated by the Shivans, felt no less apathetic than their charges.  One of them, the lead fighter, bore the proud mark of an eagle, the symbol of his unit.  The pilot inside bore even more uncertainty than his comrades.

“You awake Delta leader?” a female voice chimed over his comm.

“Yes, four,” Commander Sam ’Cleric’ Tajev replied.

“Oh, so its just four now?” she replied.

“Sorry Alex” Sam replied.

“They made it out Sam, don’t worry.  They were on the first convoy.”

   The commander had lived in Capella, in what seemed like a lifetime ago.  There, with his beautiful wife, his son and his daughter, he had built a home, and found a sense of peace far from the conflict with the NTF.  That was before, however, before the destroyers had returned to claim his home.  He had fought bravely, his entire squadron had, but to no avail.  Watching in helpless horror, he had seen his ship, the Norfolk, ripped apart by two Ravana destroyers.  Then, as if that had not been enough, his squadron had been overwhelmed by what seemed to be millions of Shivan fighters.  Only Delta wing, led by himself, had managed to break away and regroup.  Fleeing, they had encountered the convoy, fleeing to the jump node.  Fighting against all odds, they had reached Vega just before the supernova.  It had torn him in two to see so many ships left behind, unable to reach the jump node in time.  It was even more heartrending, because he had lost contact with his family just before all hell had broken loose.  He had no way of knowing if they had indeed made it out.

“You don’t know if they were or not Alex.” Sam stated grimly.

“Trust me, they’ll be fine.  I have a sixth sense for this kind of thing.” Alex replied.

   One thing Sam had noticed, in the four years he had flown with Alex, was her undying optimism.  No matter the odds, no matter how grim or hopeless things seemed, her upbeat spin on things always put the situation into perspective.  Sam couldn’t help but laugh at that, despite the state of things.

“Alright, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.  So tell me, what happens now?” Sam asked.

“Well, first, you and I get promoted to admiral.  We then take a huge pay raise, and spend the rest of our lives living on a beach on Sirius six.” Alex claimed.

“Yeah, and the Shivans turn out to be pink bunny rabbits.”

“Don’t mock my dreams.”

“And such wonderful dreams they are.”

“You’re no fun.”

“I’m a commander, you’re a lieutenant, when you get promoted, you stop having fun.”

“Sure commander.  Hey, we’re coming up on Boon station.  Holy ****!”


“Reading massive energy readings, we’ve got ships swarming all over.  I got aa beams and cannons going off all over the place.”

“How can that be?  Is it the Shivans?”

“Negative, fighters read as Terran, picking up multiple contacts.”

“What’s going on?” the captain of one of the freighters inquired.

“Stay clear of the station captain, we’ll handle this.” Sam replied.

“Handle what?”

“That’s what I want to know. All fighters, kick in your burners and let’s get in there!”

Five bright flames flickered in the dark, heading back into the carnage and destruction that was the destiny of every warrior.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.

A little work on the side...
Brilliant! Theres gonna be more, I assume? :)
Carpe Diem Poste Crastinus

"When life gives you lemons...
Blind people with them..."

"Yah, dude, penises rock." Turambar



Offline jdjtcagle

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A little work on the side...
Nice story. :yes:!!!
"Brings a tear of nostalgia to my eye" -Flipside
I'm an Apostolic Christian (Acts: 2:38)
Official Interplay Freespace Stories
Hammer Of Light - Omen of Darkness
Freefall in Darkness
A Thousand Years


Offline Falcon

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A little work on the side...
Well it caught my attention thats for sure. It sounds good I know for one thing that Ill keep myself updated on this thread.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2004, 10:39:20 pm by 1408 »


Offline Singh

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A little work on the side...
cant wait for more.

*bookmarks thread for further reading :)
"Blessed be the FREDder that knows his sexps."
"Cursed be the FREDder that trusts FRED2_Open."
Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(


Offline Liberator

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A little work on the side...
Very nice!
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

There are only 10 types of people in the world , those that understand binary and those that don't.


Offline Lightspeed

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A little work on the side...
not bad. You should write a post FS2 movie :)
Modern man is the missing link between ape and human being.

A little work on the side...
Next part coming up. I have a little more but its not at a good stopping point yet.

Back at the Station.

Togishe swore as another wave of missiles, this time cyclops bombs, slammed into the corvette Lancer. Four tiny objects, bearing their grim message of death to their target, impacted on the port side of the vessel. The smaller ship had been several damaged before the battle had commenced, and the sudden attack had ripped huge gashes in her hull.   She listed to her side, the warheads having destroyed her navigational systems.  Togishe, meanwhile, tried to spur his crew into action.

No way are we going down after all that’s happened dammit. He thought grimly.

“All hands reporting battle station order received Admiral.  Bringing weapons and targeting systems online.” Ensign Erendis reported.

“Status of engines?” Togishe asked

“We had to take them off line to make some minor repairs, they’re charging now.” Ricger commented.

“Damn, bring anti fighter beams up to full power, target enemy bombers.  Have the fighters launched yet?” Togishe inquired.

“Negative sir, Alpha wing is on the deck, but we have too few pilots to form the other wings.” Erendis replied.

Togishe remembered the casualty report he had received after escaping Capella.  Nearly all of his pilots were dead, save seven who had been lucky enough to be repaired during the supernova.  It dawned on him, then, that the attackers had a major advantage.

“Tell Alpha wing to launch, get the other pilots into space and assign them as Beta wing for now.  We’ve got to get them off the deck, before we’re too damaged to do so.” Togishe said.

“Affirmative, launching Alpha wing, the remaining pilots are heading for the fighters.” Ricger reported.

Four Hercules Mark IIs, each bearing a different squadron insignia, burst from the hangar bay, heading into the fray.  Coming behind them were three Myrmidons, racing to catch up with their comrades.

“How many ships does the enemy have?” Togishe asked.

“Reading at least ten wings of fighters sir, and another ten of bombers.” Erendis commented.

“And our forces?”

“Fighters are launching from the Copernicus and the Beaumont, reading two full wings of Myrmidons from each destroyer.”

“So that gives us five and over half of one wing.  And no interceptor fighters.”

“Sir, getting data on the enemy fighters.”

“Lets hear it.”

“Most of them appear to be old Hercules assault fighters.  The rest are a mixture of Medusa, Ursa, and Zues bombers.”

“Hercs, Meds, and Ursas, what is this the NTF?” Ricger wondered allowed.

“Whoever they are, they’re not going to catch us napping.  Bring aa guns to bear, all flak cannons fire at will.  All fighters, engage the enemy!” Togishe bellowed.

The fighters.

The five Perseus interceptors streaked towards the battlefield, pushing their engines to the point of overheating in order to arrive in time.  Sam sat in his fighter, rocking back forth rhythmically in a vain attempt to coax more speed from his ship.  He flew ahead of his wing, desperately hoping to make a difference before time ran out.

“Sam, hold up!  You’re pushing your engines too hard!” Alex radioed in.

“If my family survived, they’re on that station, or close to it.  I’m not going to let any harm come to them if they’re alive.” Sam replied.

“You won’t do them any good if you fly in blindly and get shot down.”

“Not going to happen.  I’m going in hot, these bastards picked the wrong day to attack the station.”

As the fighters approached the battle, they could see the sheer confusion the fleet was in.  Though no capital ships had attacked, wings of bombers and fighters were ripping them to shreds. Some older Fenris and Leviathan cruisers like the Hood and the Victory were on fire, explosions rocking their hulls.  The Deimos corvettes faired little better, the Pompey, the Gladius, and the Athos were being ripped apart by helios bombs.  The warheads ripped and tore terrible rents in their hulls, as they desperately tried to fight back against the small attackers.  Their aa fire amounted to little however, the sporadic firing of vessels unable to coordinate a defense.  A small wing of Medusas bore in on the Athos, determined to finish her off with another salvo.  Sam decided it was time they learned some humility.  

Rushing headlong into the fray, Sam positioned his fighter directly behind the last bomber, opening fire with his UD-kayser cannons.  Hot white death punctured the fighters shields, striking the main power plant.  It slowed and swerved, breaking formation and exploding.  Sam closed behind the second ship, sending it to join its doomed brother.  The last bomber seemed unphased by the loss, and bore on towards the corvette.  Same opened up with all guns blazing, finishing the wing off for good.  Before the last ship exploded, however, it launched two cyclops torpedoes.  Sam tried to intercept, but was forced to surrender ground in order to dodge the exploding ship.  He cursed himself, realizing it was they who would have the last laugh after all.  Just as all seemed lost, however, a flurry of energy blasts rushed at the bombs, detonating them well away from the Athos.  Sam looked and saw his wing had arrived just in time.

“You need some help?” Alex asked

“No, but I’ll take it.  Come on eagles, lets get in this.” Sam replied.

The Franklin

The bridge crew cheered the arrival of the new fighters, giving the fleet much needed interceptor capability.  Togishe knew the battle wasn’t over yet, but the odds had just gotten better.

“Contact those fighters, and relay my messages to all the active wings.” Togishe ordered.

“Wing leader on screen sir.” Erendis replied.

The screen lit up with image of a pilot, dressed in full flight gear and helmet.  Across the top of the helmet, the word Cleric stood out.

“Delta leader of the 309th Eagles here Admiral.” Sam said.

“This is admiral Togishe of the Franklin delta leader, good to see you.” Togishe said.

“We were one of the last wings out of Capella sir, our convoy couldn’t move quickly enough to allow for a speedy return.”

“Better late than never pilot.  Can you give us a hand with the bombers?  Their old Herc fighters seem to be a poor escort.”

“Our wing is completely out of missiles sir, but we’ll do what we can.  Delta 1 out.”

“Order all wings to designate bombers as top priority, fighters are secondary targets.”

“All fighters have received your orders sir, they are complying.” Erendis said.

“Status of the fleet?” Togishe asked.

“We’ve lost eight ships so far, including the Copernicus sir.  Other vessels are heavily damaged and under fire.”

“Are we in a position to do anything about it?”

“Sir aye sir.  Enemy fighters are now within range of our weapons.”

“Let’s return the kindness they’ve show us.  Fire at will!”

Blue beams of piercing light streaked across the heavens, combining with the rapid fire burst of flack cannons to strike back at the enemy.  Two wings, one of Hercs and another of Zeus, found themselves caught in the deadly barrage.  The Hercs were annihilated, and the Zeus lost all but one ship.  A Myrmidon, spotting the survivor, splashed it with a swarm of tempest missiles.

The enemy, who had found a force of sleeping giants when they had arrived, now faced a determined resistance, led by the Franklin.  The arrival of Delta wing had also thrown the attack off, as the fighters decimated the enemy bombers.  Their Hercules escorts, unable to keep up with the interceptors, found themselves the victim of a coordinated retaliation.  It was not easy, and more ships still went down, but the enemy paid for every one.  After another twenty grueling minutes, the attackers were defeated.  All totaled, fifteen ships had been destroyed, consisting of two destroyers, six cruisers, and seven corvettes.  Boone station, caught in the middle, had suffered little damage.  It had been fortunate enough not to be the focus of the attack.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.

A little work on the side...
Apart from some grammar and spelling errors (which are to be expected) every bit as good as the last. :)
Carpe Diem Poste Crastinus

"When life gives you lemons...
Blind people with them..."

"Yah, dude, penises rock." Turambar



Offline Liberator

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A little work on the side...
It keeps getting better and better.

Hey Steak!  Put this Bad Boy in the highlights!
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

There are only 10 types of people in the world , those that understand binary and those that don't.


Offline Setekh

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A little work on the side...
I love the story. Dude, where are some other channels you can get this critiqued? :)

(And I'm currently struggling with how I ought to go about highlighting this. :D)
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline aldo_14

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EDIT - how in the hell did that post end up here :wtf:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2004, 08:38:57 am by 181 »


Offline Gloriano

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A little work on the side...
very good story.
You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.- Nietzsche

When in despair I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.- Mahatma Gandhi


Offline Black Wolf

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A little work on the side...
Originally posted by Setekh
(And I'm currently struggling with how I ought to go about highlighting this. :D)

Book spines perhaps? Scrolls?
Rarely Updated P3D.
Burn the heretic who killed F2S! Burn him, burn him!!- GalEmp

A little work on the side...
Here's some more.  I finally decided on a title for this.  It will be divided into three parts.  The first is Post Capella: The Age of Wisdom.

Sam and the rest of delta wing cruised silently through the debris, checking for signs of escape pods or lifeboats.  A few were spotted, but those bore a mere handful of the crews of the doomed ships.  Sam could not believe that they had survived hell in Capella, only to me massacred as they sat in dock.  He was glad the station had suffered so little damage.  Hopefully, his wife and children were waiting for him there.

“Sam, we’ve been ordered to land on the Franklin.” Alex said.

“Can you believe all this?” Sam asked

“No, frankly I can’t.  This was no battle, it was a damn slaughter.”

“It’s lucky we arrived in time.  It could’ve been worse.”

“Tell that to the people on those pods.”

“Let’s head for the Franklin, we’ve been in space too long.”

The weary fighters maneuvered towards the destroyer, one of the few operational ones left in Vega.  They made their way into the hangar bay and landed, taking note of their surroundings. Like most destroyers, the vessel’s launch deck was enormous, in order to accommodate the large numbers of fighters it could carry.  Repair bays and elevators brought ships, equipment, and mechanics to individual areas in order to make increase efficiency.  The cavernous fighter bay was a center of activity, with fighters from different squadrons landing for repairs.  Though few fighters had been launched, many of the available landing areas were either damaged or destroyed, and that meant the Franklin was the logical choice for the remaining ships.  Slightly above the station, and not in the immediate area of the fighting at first, the destroyer had only sustained light damage from one cyclops torpedo.  

The cockpit to his fighter slowly rose and Sam stood up, removing his helmet.  His height was well above average, standing at least 6’5.  His body, toned by years of military discipline, was muscular to say the least.  His fiery red hair stood out brightly atop his head, and his blue-green eyes formed an almost enigmatic gaze.  He looked over the ship landing next to him, and then climbed down a ladder hastily put into place.  Beside his ship, Alex also exited her fighter and removed her helmet.  She was much smaller than Sam, standing only 5’6.  Her frame was also much smaller, but well proportioned to her stature.  Her raven black hair hung down to her shoulders, usually bundled up inside her helmet.  She turned towards Sam and looked cross at him with her brown eyes.

“That was reckless Sam, you taught us better than that.” she commented.

“You know why I did it.” he replied.

“Yeah, but like I said, you won’t do them any good getting yourself killed.”

“I just hope they’re still alive.”

Alex put her hand on Sam’s shoulder, trying to put him at ease.  Though the usual rumors about squad mates persisted about them, they had always maintained a professional friendship.  Since they had graduated the academy and been assigned to the Eagles, they had grown to appreciate each other’s company, and value the other’s insights.  Alex understood, however, that Sam was deeply committed to his wife and children.  Still, she was closer to him than the other members of the squadron had ever been.

“Its okay Sam, I’m sure they are.” Alex said.

“I hope you’re right.” Sam replied.

On the bridge, Togishe stood behind ensign Erendis, watching as a stream of data came across her screen.  The sheer volume of information, though staggering, was not as frightening as the conclusion that was drawn from it.  Erendis swore, and but Togishe merely pondered what had been discovered.  If it was right, then something far more insidious was at work.  

“Sir, this doesn’t make any sense.” Erendis said.

“I‘m well aware of that ensign, but all the information we have, including what we’ve taken from the debris, supports this theory.” Togishe replied.

“But how?”

“Believe me ensign, I intend to find out.”

“Sir, Admiral Petrarche is on the line from the station sir.”

Togishe was surprised.  Despite the losses taken at Capella, it was still surprising to find the third fleet’s flag officer in charge of the situation.  More importantly, where was the commanding officer of the first fleet stationed in Vega?

“Put him on.” Togishe ordered.

An older man appeared on the view screen, standing tall and erect amidst the other officers of Boone station.  His head was nearly bald, with only a small trace of it on the sides.  His dark green eyes gave Togishe’s bridge a cursory glance, until he finally locked onto Togishe himself.

“Admiral Togishe, good.  I was hoping to speak directly with you, but the situation aboard the station has necessitated I remain on board.” he said.

“I assume you have come to the same conclusion my officers have?” Togishe asked

“The data seems to rule out all other hypotheses, and the damage incurred by our fleet confirms it.”

“ So does this shed any light on who or what attacked us?”

“The information itself does little to help, but something else we’ve discovered has already answered some questions.  I’m calling a meeting of all the remaining battle group commanders.  We will meet in six hours aboard the station for a high level briefing.”

“Can you tell me anything more?”

“Everything is restricted over the comm channels.  SOC and Intel are both classifying the findings until this meeting.”

“I have one more question Admiral.”

“Which is?”

“Meaning no disrespect sir, but where is the first fleet commander, Admiral Richards?”

“Admiral Richards is aboard the GTD Beaumont, heading to the Deneb system.  With the massive losses sustained by the third fleet, I have been appointed senior officer of the remaining ships, reporting directly to the Security Council.”

“I see.  I will head over to the station as soon as possible Admiral, there are some things I have to attend to.”

“I understand fully commander, I’m still a little worried about the Aquitane, even though it was not damaged in the attack.  Petrarche out.”

Togishe was still puzzled at these developments.  Admiral Richards gallivanting off to Deneb,  Petrarche suddenly reporting directly the council, the chain of command had apparently gone fubar, much like the situation itself.  The meeting would hopefully explain a few things.

“See to it that the repair crews prioritize weapons and engines.  The hull can wait.  I want to be ready in case we’re called into action.”

“Yes sir”Erendis said.

Down in the hangar bay, Sam and Alex milled about, waiting for a transport.  Though he had no idea if his family was alive or dead, getting onboard the station was a top priority.  Alex, though she had no personal stake in it, decided that if it was important to Sam, it was important to her.  She watched him struggle with his conflicting emotions, wanting to jump into his fighter and rush over, but realizing the consequences of such an action would land him in the brig.  It was more important that he wait and get aboard one of the departing supply ships, rather than doing something reckless which would only delay his trip.  She, whose family was in Beta Aquilae, had never had to fear for them.  Neither the Shivans nor the NTF had made it that far, and that had helped her to remain a steady support for Sam.  

“Alex, this way!” Sam shouted, running over to an older Elysium transport as it finished unloading its supplies.  The pilot, a fat middle aged man, stopped him in his tracks.

“Alright buddy, what’s your deal?” he asked.

“You’re going back to the station right?” Sam asked


“I’ve been trying to hitch a ride ever since I landed here.  My family might be on board and--”

“Hold up there, sorry pal, but this is for official use only.  No free rides here.”

“I have to get on that station!”

“And I need a raise, what are you gonna do?”

Sam was, by this point, understandably angry.  All that stood between him and the knowledge of his family was some glorified bus driver, and he had had enough.  He clenched his right fist and was ready to swing, casting career and regulations to the wind.  A voice stopped him, however.

“I trust you won’t be trying that same garbage on me?” it said, directing the question towards the transport pilot.

Sam whirled around, coming face to face with a middle aged man in a crisp gray uniform.  He wore the insignia of an Admiral.  It was then that Sam realized who it had to be,.

“Err, sir no sir.  But this is a cargo ship and-”the pilot stammered.

“I’m overriding your orders, you will transport myself and these two pilots to Boone station immediately.” the man said.

“Yes sir, Admiral Togishe sir!” the pilot barked, heading back aboard the ship.

Sam didn’t know what to say.  He hardly knew the Admiral, and yet he had just done Sam a huge favor.  It was rare for the higher ups to take notice of any particular stick jockey.

“Thank you Admiral.” Sam said, saluting.

“The ship has more than enough room for the three of us, and I heard your argument with the man and thought I should intervene.” Togishe replied.

“But why?” Alex asked, puzzled.

“You two are from the Eagles, correct?  You saved our hides today, it’s the least I can do.” Togishe stated.

“Thank you sir!” Sam saluted again.

“No thanks is necessary.  Now let’s get on board.” Togishe said, returning the salute.

Sam could not believe what had happened, nor did he ever think he would be able to properly express his gratitude to the Admiral.
GTI Rebellion FREDer

Dissident Theory

Permissum sacramentum non exsisto infractus , per fides exsisto led.


Offline Lightspeed

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A little work on the side...
psst. He's called Petrarch, IIRC.

Pretty good stuff

Modern man is the missing link between ape and human being.


Offline Liberator

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A little work on the side...
Better and Better!
So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

There are only 10 types of people in the world , those that understand binary and those that don't.


Offline Falcon

  • 29
A little work on the side...
So what happens next?