Author Topic: Scaling up HUD size  (Read 11237 times)

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I've been playing FSO on a 1440p display. In order to scale my HUD to a readable size I've been using this HUD mod in MediaVPs_2014 for everything except Blue Planet for which I used the file Axem graciously provided here. But neither of these is scaling up the HUD for BtA which I'm trying to start now. Does BtA use its own modified HUD gauge tables? Is there any way I can scale up the HUD?


Offline DefCynodont119

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Dangit! I actually made a scale-able version of the BtA hud for my own use but did not think to post about it.

(Yes, BtA uses it's own HUD gauge tables.)

Put this in the BtA mod folder under /data/tables

this turns on HUD scaling, but makes some changes as the original did not scale correctly.

@Mjn.mixael could you sticky/post this link/file somewhere for anyone else who may want to use it? thanks.

hope this helps.   ;)

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« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 10:12:14 pm by DefCynodont119 »
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Awesome, thanks! Works like a charm! And just in time, too, I'm just about ready to start a new campaign!

Edit: I may have spoken too soon. The spoken text boxes I get don't look like yours, they're still really tiny, like this. Any thoughts?

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]
« Last Edit: October 20, 2017, 09:27:19 pm by CaptainKoloth »

Is there any way I can get it to your "Cheater cheater pumpkin eater" size? I just can't read it at the moment.


Offline DefCynodont119

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Huh, I'm not quite sure why that's happening---

hmm, I do know that Axem's scripted message gauge is part of it--- do you have any side mods running with their own HUD Table?  PS:  "mv_root-hdg" is the HUD Table in its .TBM form.

Are other text boxes tiny too?  you can check by going into the hud test mission.  You can find it in the techroom under single missions.
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out of curiosity

I am using a normal 26" 1440p Monitor myself and i did not have any problems with the normal HUD on 1440p. Everything is quite fine to read and in my experience HUD modifications or scaler are only needed from 2K upward.
If i may be allowed to ask, how small is your monitor?

Because i have to say, that i am really surprised that the HUD gauges are too small on a native 2K Monitor in 1440p :confused:
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Hmm...  I had been using an altered mv_root-hdg.tbm file for Blue Planet which was living in the 2014 Media VPs folder, but I've removed it and the comms text is still really tiny. I did the HUD test mission and all the text seems to be scaled up except that box. I've attached another screenshot here (sorry for not using standard screenshots, it's being temperamental for some reason when I try to do that).  As you can see all the text seems to have scaled up except comms. Out of curiosity, not really knowing what the code was doing but poking around, I looked at your modified hud_gauges table and tried changing "Scale Gauge" under talking head in TVW HUD Terran to yes; this is what happened (see the second screenshot called MOD HUD). I just want to do that to the text box next to it so it's readable. I've attached my fs2_open.log in case that's helpful.

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]

I should add I've now also tried just running it in a lower resolution so it's more readable, but strangely that absolutely refuses to go to full screen. Even when I check run in fullscreen window in devtools via wxlauncher, running it in lower resolution just makes it take up a smaller patch of screen.


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Bumping because this person still may need help,

could you post those attachments again? they got 404'd.

ahem, the reason way the message gauge is still small is because it's part of Axem's script, and is no longer part of the rest of the HUD code.

Try sending him a personal message about this, he would be of way more help then I would.

not sure about the fullscreen issue, I'm not one of the coding people so i'm bumping this- if someone else that knows whats going on help that would be nice.

I'm really really sorry for leaving you hanging, I figured someone would have posted by now.   :sigh:
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Bumping because this person still may need help,

could you post those attachments again? they got 404'd.

ahem, the reason way the message gauge is still small is because it's part of Axem's script, and is no longer part of the rest of the HUD code.

Try sending him a personal message about this, he would be of way more help then I would.

not sure about the fullscreen issue, I'm not one of the coding people so i'm bumping this- if someone else that knows whats going on help that would be nice.

I'm really really sorry for leaving you hanging, I figured someone would have posted by now.   :sigh:

Thanks Def, I really appreciate it! I actually did end up giving up on this and going on to other mods, but I would really like to give this one a try. I'm reattaching my files in this and the subsequent posts (necessitated by the file size limit). I'll try contacting Axem.

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]

More files attached.

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]

And one more...

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]


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What you're going to want to do is grab axmessage.cfg from the bta_core.vp, and use it a bit for your own purposes. The fields you'll want to edit are TextFont (try 2 or 3) and play around with the Position Origin and Offset fields. Those work just like the hud gauges do (in that origin is % based off of the screen, and offset is pixels from that). You may need to make your own messagebox graphic to fit the larger text. The script uses the messagebox's dimensions to figure out how much space to use for drawing text.


Offline DefCynodont119

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I followed Axem's instructions, and made this!

@Captainkoloth this may or may not help, it could be too big and/or offset funny.

I have am currently using a native 1280x1024 monitor, so I had to guess where to offset stuff.

Hope this helps! if not, fine tuning is easy. just mess with the Position Origin and Offset fields in the axmessage.cfg and if the messagebox is too big,  you can just resize it (messageboxXXL.png) in MSPaint or what-have-you.  :)

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Axem, Def,
You gentlemen are amazing. I tip my hat to you! Will give this a shot when I get back to my regular computer shortly.

So here's the latest!

First, thanks so much again, that finally worked! This game has the absolute best community anywhere, hands down.

I actually ended up having an interesting learning experience from this which leads me to ask another question. Axem's comment about opening up the vp made me think, "Hmm, you can open up a .vp?" So a little research introduced me to vpview32, and I opened up the bta_core.vp. Cool! I thought. This is how you build a Freespace campaign! Anyway, I tried blowing up the text size in Def's file but I got an error saying that font size has to be between 1 and 4. My knowledge of how the code works isn't enough to know in what script that error was occurring- so my question is, can I modify that script so I can make the text even larger? Which file in the .vp would that be? (and would I break anything else doing that?)


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Hey, I'm sure you'll get an answer here in a bit, but, if you want, the HLP Discord Server would be faster.  I know Axem's on right now, anyways, along with about 65 other people.


Offline DefCynodont119

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Hey, I'm sure you'll get an answer here in a bit, but, if you want, the HLP Discord Server would be faster.  I know Axem's on right now, anyways, along with about 65 other people.

I don't have a Discord account, should I? or. . . .

I tried blowing up the text size in Def's file but I got an error saying that font size has to be between 1 and 4. My knowledge of how the code works isn't enough to know in what script that error was occurring- so my question is, can I modify that script so I can make the text even larger? Which file in the .vp would that be? (and would I break anything else doing that?)

I do know the font thing, 

As far as I know, the font number actuality selects font TYPE (one of four available) not size.

Not sure why there can only be 4 fonts tho. I think that was just how it was when the game was made.

EDIT: I Just looked it up, and I learned something!

@Captainkoloth Use the Wiki, I got most of what I know from there.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 10:06:47 pm by DefCynodont119 »
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Hey, I'm sure you'll get an answer here in a bit, but, if you want, the HLP Discord Server would be faster.  I know Axem's on right now, anyways, along with about 65 other people.

I don't have a Discord account, should I? or. . . .

Yes.  Soooo convenient.  It will also run in a browser window if you're reluctant to install the client (but the client is more convenient if you leave it up all the time so people can reach you when you're available).

At the very least, it doesn't hurt to sign up in a browser window and check it out for a bit, maybe bookmark it if you like it.  AFter clicking the HLP server, the site you'd want bookmarked is here, then just log in at the upper-right.

Hey, I'm sure you'll get an answer here in a bit, but, if you want, the HLP Discord Server would be faster.  I know Axem's on right now, anyways, along with about 65 other people.

I don't have a Discord account, should I? or. . . .

I tried blowing up the text size in Def's file but I got an error saying that font size has to be between 1 and 4. My knowledge of how the code works isn't enough to know in what script that error was occurring- so my question is, can I modify that script so I can make the text even larger? Which file in the .vp would that be? (and would I break anything else doing that?)

I do know the font thing, 

As far as I know, the font number actuality selects font TYPE (one of four available) not size.

Not sure why there can only be 4 fonts tho. I think that was just how it was when the game was made.

EDIT: I Just looked it up, and I learned something!

@Captainkoloth Use the Wiki, I got most of what I know from there.


I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Thanks Def! So I'm not... 100% sure which of the things I did was actually effective, but having fiddled with a bunch of stuff I set the textfont in axmessage.cfg to 2, and then put this fonts.tbl in BtA SOC/data/tables. The first of the four font sizes I left small because that was affecting what I saw during the game menu but at least one of the remaining 3 is controlling the message box text sizes. I'll fiddle with a bit more I'm sure to perfect it, but the most important thing is it's now super-easily readable.

Thanks so much for all the help! I feel unreasonably good about the learning experience in this- I sort of made my own tiny itsy bitty little mod for the first time!

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