Ungh. I'm not sure how this is going to go down, so I'm just going to shut my eyes and hope for the best.
The story started when I felt that I needed a bit of a break from standard FS2-work (which is FREDding) and decided to indulge in that other FS2-activity, the likes of which I have not seen in months - actually playing the damn game.
(Proper playing, not playtesting, which doesn't really count.)
I think "Hey, playing Derelict again might be nice, no? Bring back some memories of the days when FS2 was just a game and not a sucking vortex of non-time, consuming your soul from the inside-out, eh?" And I agree, surprise surprise.
However, Derelict uses the old backgrounds.
I don't like the old backgrounds.
I like the new ones, the ones Lightspeed made, because they're pretty and stuff. The old ones, however... ick.
So I got a big huge stars.tbl together and went through all the missions, putting nice backgrounds in them. One for each of the systems: Tau Sigma, Altair, Phi Eridani, Tania Australis... so on, so forth.
The problem was that while I was there, I couldn't help correcting some of the many minor errors that plague the grand-daddy of all campaigns. A directive here, a lack of AWOL debriefing there... was that so much to ask?
Not as such, though it did utterly negate my original intention of having some down-time. But I did play it through, and it has been fixed, although I doubt that I got them all... but regardless, it is here.
'Cause, like, I thought I should share the wealth with all of you.
DerelictAlso required: FSO 3.6.5 with accompanying Media VPs; Lightspeed's Backgrounds Sets 1-6
(I hope the original Derelict crew won't return from the grave to rend me into chunks after I finished what they, uh, had already finished before... um...)
Some users have reported problems completing the "Said the Spider to the Fly" mission. This file should fix the problem. Download and add it to Derelict\Data\Missions (assuming you've installed to \Derelict of course) - Karajorma