Author Topic: FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!  (Read 53525 times)

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Offline ZmaN

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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Hey guys, its been awhile, but I got my BRAND SPANKIN NEW Sapphire ATI Radeon X850PRO, and I get a complementary copy of Far Cry with it!!!  whoooo hooo!!!

Anyways, my FTP is back up, and im gunna make it simple this time...  You may download it, but ONLY if its necessary, if you want it for a friend, Let me know...  [email protected], or PM me....

If I can get a sticky on this, that would be cool too...

There is one step to getting you Browser to access my FTP in you cannot access it.... 

(For IE)  Go to tools, then internet options, then click the advanced tab, scroll down to the option that says "Use Passive FTP (For firewall and DSL Modem Compatibility)"  If that is on, tick it off and see if you can access the FTP, if its off, tick it on and do the same thing...

This should fix the problms people have been having accessing the FTP...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2006, 09:09:33 am by ZmaN »
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.

FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
upload toms build 1.3.6 as well, it is more stable then fsopen


Offline Sesquipedalian

  • Atankharz'ythi
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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
use fs2_open 3.6.7
Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.

The Scroll of Atankharzim | FS2 syntax highlighting


Offline ZmaN

  • 28
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by [DW]-Hunter
upload toms build 1.3.6 as well, it is more stable then fsopen

and where is that found?
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


Offline Dark RevenantX

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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
my my.

56k limit per person.

Now i know what it feels like to have dialup.


Offline ZmaN

  • 28
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by Dark RevenantX
my my.

56k limit per person.

Now i know what it feels like to have dialup.

is it really that slow??

dang, im gunna have to fix it up a bit
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


Offline Dark RevenantX

  • 29
  • anonymity —> animosity
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
I think its optimized for dial-up users.

But, it leaves us broadband users out.


Offline ZmaN

  • 28
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by Dark RevenantX
I think its optimized for dial-up users.

But, it leaves us broadband users out.

yea but i use broadband, so it cant be that...
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


Offline Annorax

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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by ZmaN

yea but i use broadband, so it cant be that...

It's probably your upstream. Can't fix that, the ISPs put absurd limits on it to screw P2Pers.


Offline karajorma

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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by Annorax
It's probably your upstream. Can't fix that, the ISPs put absurd limits on it to screw P2Pers.

Or it may simply be that he's on ADSL which has a lower upstream by design.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


Offline ZmaN

  • 28
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by karajorma

Or it may simply be that he's on ADSL which has a lower upstream by design.

no its cable....
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


Offline karajorma

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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Many cable systems do the same thing for exactly the same reason. Back when ADSL was first designed P2P was not a big thing so everyone said "Why waste bandwidth by giving people a huge upload pipe they won't use when most people spend almost all their bandwidth on downloads"

At the time a completely logical decision and still pretty logical for many people but if you're running an FTP site or constantly have BitTorrent or EDonkey going it means that you will be uploading a fair bit of the time.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by ZmaN

and where is that found?

is there any way you wish to be contacted for the file transfer?


Offline ZmaN

  • 28
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by [DW]-Hunter

is there any way you wish to be contacted for the file transfer?

sure... email me [email protected] or you can PM me....
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


Offline ZmaN

  • 28
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
HEY!!!  How come I don't get a Sticky!!!!!  I got one last time my thread was here..
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.


Offline Setekh

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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Because an admin hadn't gotten to this thread quickly enough. ;)
- Eddie Kent Woo, Setekh, Steak (of Steaks), AWACS. Seriously, just pick one.
HARD LIGHT PRODUCTIONS, now V3.0. Bringing Modders Together since January 2001.
THE HARD LIGHT ARRAY. Always makes you say wow.


Offline Taristin

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FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Or a mod... :nervous:
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline ZmaN

  • 28
FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
thanks for the sticky!
Well what do I do now?  Well Jack, you seem to have an act for blowing things up....  <---  The BEST BAND EVER!

My Rig:
NZXT Apollo Case, with the insides painted black, and refinished side panels
Cooler Master Real Power Pro 750 watt PSU
Intel Xeon E3110 (e8400) OC'd to 3.6ghz
Xigmatek S1283 HDT Cooler
Biostar TPower I45 Motherboard
2 x 2GB's Crucial Ballistx DDR2-800 RAM
XFX Geforce 8800GTX GPU
Onboard sound
3 x 36GB Raptors in RAID 0
1 x Western Digital 640GB stand-alone

Matthew 1:1-2  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.

FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Originally posted by Sesquipedalian
use fs2_open 3.6.7

ide rather not use fs2_open for matthews fs2netd, toms build is a lot more useful, it tells you when someone is in the game room waiting, and tells u the versions of games people are using, and it automaticly sets people to low object updates, and allows u to kick/ban IN GAME should u need to, hopefully not though ;) hopefully u guys will add these things in your next fs2_open application :)


Offline Polpolion

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Re: FTP is up! Freespace 2 available!
Hey! I was downloading the iso 1 and it stopped! I was 29 percent too! i can't even go to the ftp site now! whats wrong?

I think it asploded
« Last Edit: November 12, 2005, 08:25:13 am by thesizzler »