Author Topic: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release  (Read 15288 times)

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Offline TrashMan

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Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release

The fire is growing...Will you be consumed?

Here's the campaign, in it's Alpha version.


NOTE - Problem with HC has been fixed! All campaing files now available at the links below.

This release is for testing purposes only and contains over 20 missions.

If you don't want any bugs and a fully polished campaign, then beter wait a few more weeks, as I'm sure there's plenty of bugs I missed.

Those who D/L it, please, post any bugs or improvement suggestion here.


1. The shippack VP: (5 MB)
Models Pack

2. The main campaign VP (260KB)
Main Campaign files

3. Lightspeeds nebula pack

4. Small Music File (1Mb)
3 music clpis


4. My squad logo pack (can be found on Hades Combine)
Download link

5. My campaign nameplates pack
Download link

Needles to say, this thread will contrain * SPOLIERS*.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2006, 06:49:19 am by TrashMan »
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Problems has been fixed, filas are now available.
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Well this is strange..
Dang it, I must have had those two modular tables in my tables directory when I was editing a few missions, so it put them in the loadout automaticly.

I'll fix that a bit later.
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Uploaded the new main campiang Vp. Hopefully this should do it.
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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Uploaded the new main campiang Vp. Hopefully this should do it.
its not helping stil not working


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Have you played the Demo before? If so, it must consider the campaign complete.

Try restarting the campaing or creating a new pilot.

EDIT - anyone else having this problem?

b.t.w. - has anyone found a easter egg in the first mission?

scan the cargo containers near the station[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: November 01, 2006, 04:22:19 pm by TrashMan »
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
I allmost for got to mention - I added a small music file for download that contains 3 FS1 clips that play during the cutscenes.
You just can't beat Fs1 music for the atmosphere :D
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Offline Macfie

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
You need to balance out mission 2. No matter how close I am to the Vasudans when they warp in, I can't usually save them because the wing of Hercs jump in and all 6 of them are launching Hornets at a transport, then once it is destroyed, they do the same to all the transports (all 6 launch Hornets at a transport at the same time). This makes it next to impossible to save them. I had to skip that mission. I think it was easier in the original demo. You should fix this pronto or I could figure out how to edit Leo wing's loadout and then upload the fixed mission. Oh wait, I can't edit a mission in a vp because when I open the mission by double clicking it from the vp and save the changes after editing the mission in notepad, the changes won't take affect, thus not saving the file.

The Mission can be done as written.  When you get the order to protect the vasudans follow your wing to the Vasudan transports.  I usually target Alpha wing leader and then follow.  I think the NTF wings enter when any of the alpha wing ships gets to within a certain distance of the vasudans.  If the complete wing gets there at the same time you have a chance to protect the vasudans.  Make sure you save some rockeyes and tempests.  When the hercs enter fire a pair of rockeyes at each and then concentrate on taking them out one at a time with a combination of cannons and tempests.  Make sure you concentrate on the Hercs when they arrive.
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Actually the Lokis will arrive X seconds after the transports.
The Hercs will arrive slighlty later.

So you gotta head there with full burners and concetrate on the Hercs.

I like this campaign though, even though there aren't any Shivan mods.

Mods? You mean models?
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
This is supposed to be FS2 timeine based, ending with Capella, so nah..

If I ever manage to do Chapter 3, new ships should be in there. A lot of them.
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
All R missions are Red Alert ones. You ship and weapons should carry over from the previous ones. They have no debriefing, but rather a red-alert brief for the next mission.

Courage or Folly is 7R I belive..the one where you have to protect Blue hope station? Strange that you started with no weapons.

...Is not Enough mission  (11R) without the Fury?
Impossible! It's set to Red Alert status to carry over with you. It worked on my first test trough without problems. WTF?????

Anyone else having this problems?
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Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
The Red-alert is activated when you hit ctrl-J, so the Fury should appear wether you hit it immediately after you are told to jump or two hours after that. Very strange.

Breking Sirius 2 works by checking what your ship class is.

If you selected bombers in your previous mission, the Memphis will launch fighters to protect her.
If you selected fighters, it launches bombers to tackle the warships.

You seem to have a whole lot of problems that I can't trace HighMax.
I'll have a look at the file you sent but I can't promisse anything.
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Offline Macfie

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
I have a problem entering the mission called Breaking Sirius 2. When I enter it with a recent build, the whole background is black and I can't turn my ship. All functions aren't responding except time compression. Quite often when I load the mission, I get an error stating that FS2 has encountered an error and must close. When I tried an older build, the background appeared but nothing else. I turning up time compression and that makes my ship turn left a little bit. I turned it back to normal and my ship turns back to its original position. I can't turn it with the proper keys. I can't jump out and can't fire or move forward. If I Try to jump out, then it displays the message "Engaging Subspace Drive" but will stay that way forever. I guess my only option is to delete the vp and play the rest of the missions in single mode. :sigh:

I had a similar problem.  The Red alert was not activating.  When I exited the previous mission it would go to the debriefing and say there was no debriefing.  when I started the next Mission it came up with the red alert screen and when I started the mission I had the same problem with the background and the ship not responding.  I fixed it by modifying the red alert to the alt-J keystroke.  Then the red alert functioned and the mission loaded normally.
Normal people believe that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
The difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers is:
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An optimist sees the glass half full; the pessimist sees it half empty. An engineer sees that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


Offline Macfie

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
You need an editor program for VP files that allows you to extract the files from the VP file.  You can then use FRED to modify the mission.  You can then use a VP builder program to to rebuild the VP or you can put the mission in a missions file in the data folder for the campaign.  I think the source code project website has utilities in its download section.  If you check the related sites at the top of the page it should take you to the website. 
Normal people believe that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
The difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers is:
Mechanical Engineers build weapons.  Civil Engineers build targets
An optimist sees the glass half full; the pessimist sees it half empty. An engineer sees that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Heya, i'm not sure if this was pointed out, but i'm having trouble on one of the mission, that the Fury is trying to get to Deneb.   but trying to lure the NTF group.  i can't even destory the destoryer, but i can get the cruiser,  other then that.  Fury can't even jump out and i can't even jump out either.  any suggestions?

Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
alright i'll try that out and see if it works.

[Edit] - Alright ty for the suggestions.  It works, now i pass it through, now i ran into another problem.  On the mission when the Memphis and her group gets attack.   as soon i left the hanger.  i can't even move at all. can't see the hud at all.   couldn't even jump out as well.  so idk what happen.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 11:23:06 pm by Depth_Charge »


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
Heya, i'm not sure if this was pointed out, but i'm having trouble on one of the mission, that the Fury is trying to get to Deneb.   but trying to lure the NTF group.  i can't even destory the destoryer, but i can get the cruiser,  other then that.  Fury can't even jump out and i can't even jump out either.  any suggestions?

Fury is not jumping out - it's waiting for you to dock. Most fighters don't have inter-system drives.

The mission ends once you enter fighterbay 1 or 2. A directive to dock with Fury should pop up.

As for the Red Alert problem, I think it might be a problem with one of the SCP builds. By any logic it SHOULD ativate without problems, and it did by me. but good to know that some people have problems, I will fix the Red-Alert trigger appropriately when I get home (around Sunday)

Since I will update the campaign files then (better backgrounds in some missions to boot) I need as many bugs reported and suggestions given by that time :D

@Depth Charge. I had that problem too and when I failed the mission and the Fury was destroyed, it said that to stop the Despair, you should go for the weapons and nav subsystem and by destroying the nav subsystem, you can make it so it will take longer for the destroyer to jump out. I think you can jump when the fury is destroyed for recommendations. What destroying the nacv subsystem actually does is make it so it won't jump when its hull integrity is very low. Select a Herk II and load both banks with Trebechets to make this job possible. Once the destroyer jumps in, use your Trebechets and Prometheus primaries to destroy the main beam turret, nav and weapons. Then when all is completed and the fury makes it to the node, land in either Hanger #2 or #3.

Correct. It takes 1 more minute for the Despair to jump if you take out it's Nav system.
It's beam cannons and Terran Heavy Turrets are the biggest problem for hte Fury.  Bombers are secondary and you can allways order your wing to guard it.

Note that if you destroy the Zhidov before the Illusion arrives, the mission doesn't fail, but Despair will arrive AFTER the Fury which makes the whole thing more difficult, but not impossible.

The only objetive you need to complete is to keep Fury alive. Destroying the Despair is a bonus. Without the Fury, you cannot jumpt trough the node.

EDIT - Red Alert misions (phase 2) seems to cause the most problems to everyone. Either I messed up something really badly (I followed the instructions in the tutorials and the FRED thread) or some of hte newer builds are acting whacky...
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Offline Macfie

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
I will create the mission folder and put it in. The code for the red alert is:

$Formula: ( when
   ( has-departed-delay 0 "Gamma 1" )
   ( red-alert )
+Name: jump out and Red alert
+Repeat Count: 1
+Interval: 1
+Chained: 0
+Objective:  XSTR("Jump to Memphis", -1)
+Team: 0

Can you tell me what part of this code to change to make it so the red alert is triggered by the alt-J keystroke? Can you repeat the code I posted above and add the change to it so I know how to fix it?

@Depth Charge. I had that problem too and when I failed the mission and the Fury was destroyed, it said that to stop the Despair, you should go for the weapons and nav subsystem and by destroying the nav subsystem, you can make it so it will take longer for the destroyer to jump out. I think you can jump when the fury is destroyed for recommendations. What destroying the nacv subsystem actually does is make it so it won't jump when its hull integrity is very low. Select a Herk II and load both banks with Trebechets to make this job possible. Once the destroyer jumps in, use your Trebechets and Prometheus primaries to destroy the main beam turret, nav and weapons. Then when all is completed and the fury makes it to the node, land in either Hanger #2 or #3.

Change ( has-departed-delay 0 "Gamma 1" ) to ( key-pressed "Alt-J" )
Normal people believe that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
The difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers is:
Mechanical Engineers build weapons.  Civil Engineers build targets
An optimist sees the glass half full; the pessimist sees it half empty. An engineer sees that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
That fix won't worky fully.

You'd need a controlor to check if other mission events have been completed before you hit CTRL-J.

Don't worry, I'll fix it and post an update once I do it.
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Offline Macfie

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Re: Flames of War - Chapter 1 Alpha test release
In the "Begining of the End" mission I had a problem with the red alert not working.  It had the (has-departed-delay 0 "Gamma 1") trigger.  Also is the "end" supposed to be a red alert to the "ENDCUTSCENE2"?
Normal people believe that if it isn't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it isn't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
The difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers is:
Mechanical Engineers build weapons.  Civil Engineers build targets
An optimist sees the glass half full; the pessimist sees it half empty. An engineer sees that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.