Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Just Another Day

JAD:XA Leaderboards

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Col. Fishguts:

--- Quote from: Axem on January 08, 2014, 05:23:36 pm ---Starwing? Boy, that sure narrows down your geographical location. :p

(Good score btw!)

--- End quote ---

Wasn't it sold under the name Starwing in most of Europe? Anyhow... it had the prettier boxart anyway ;)

I have succumbed to pressure and actually made... rather plain looking leaderboards. If anyone is aware of a quick and easy way (also a pretty and fancy way) to keep track of leader boards like this, let me know! I'll explore other stuff in the meantime.


--- Quote from: Axem on January 09, 2014, 07:59:06 pm ---I have succumbed to pressure and actually made... rather plain looking leaderboards. If anyone is aware of a quick and easy way (also a pretty and fancy way) to keep track of leader boards like this, let me know! I'll explore other stuff in the meantime.

--- End quote ---
You need permission to view those spreadsheets.

Maybe now? (Force refresh if it doesn't work the first time)


--- Quote from: Axem on January 09, 2014, 08:12:19 pm ---Maybe now? (Force refresh if it doesn't work the first time)

--- End quote ---
Yeah, it works now.


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