Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Blue Planet
Blue Planet: The Battle Captains (Fan Campaign)
Patch 1.1 is out, fixing overloads and some other minor stuff.
Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! I think you credit me with a bit too much mission-designing intelligence in some places; I mostly just tried one tactic when personally beta-ing the mission, but I'm thankful that the mission's gameplay fell into place so smoothly. Again, much thanks to Battuta for beta-ing and offering suggestions; without him, this mission would've been much more clunky.
--- Quote from: Shivan Hunter on February 05, 2014, 10:49:30 pm ---the idea of health as Severanti's personal health on the bridge is excellent, btw
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Actually, the red-out effect just automatically triggers after you've killed the bombers.
--- Quote from: niffiwan on February 06, 2014, 05:52:17 am ---you can call in a support ship which docks with you but doesn't seem to do much.
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Derp, fixed in the patch.
--- Quote --- While I'm talking about destroying the Kiowa, I somehow managed to disable it once even though I thought I saw a ship-subsys-guardian-threshold on its engines?
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Yeah, I dunno why the Kiowa's engines aren't guardianed properly. In the original narrative and my original mission design, it's SUPPOSED to survive, but when I noticed that it sometimes got disabled despite having guardianed its engines, I just decided to let you kill it.
--- Quote ---And lastly, the afterburn option seems a little bit too powerful since you can maintain your top afterburn speed even when putting all power to weapons.
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Good point. Maybe tie the afterburner's recharge speed to your ETS engine power?
--- Quote from: General Battuta on February 06, 2014, 09:15:55 am ---This mission feels very FS2. It does a great job of capturing the gameplay atmosphere - the slower ROF and more direct tactics.
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Well, it's a mission written with BP2-FS2 ships and weapons, in a more FS2-esque tactical situation, without Paveways and SSM strikes and beam jamming and all that WiH fanciness, so that's to be expected, I guess.
--- Quote from: Shivan Hunter on February 05, 2014, 10:17:45 pm ---Quick note: You should remove the alpha channel from your bclogo.bmp since the launcher whines about it. (the message is "please make image 255x112" which isn't helpful given that it is in fact 255x112, but it can't handle bmp alpha)
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Huh, I didn't have that problem when using wxLauncher, but I'll still remove that dratted alpha channel.
To everyone who couldn't fire the overloaded beams right: I admittedly should have tried to fix that up a bit more. I knew that they only sometimes fired successfully; they're finicky for some reason. Future releases won't have this problem; after all, blowing enemy warships apart with overloaded beam salvos should be the shining moment of controlling a GTVA capship! In the new patch, your overloads automatically fire when they're fully charged; after all, if you bothered overloading your beams, why would you NOT want to fire them? :P
Remember to press Left CTRL to manually fire beams. I would've tied it to mouse clicks, or rather just added manual fire into the capship script as a firing mode, but FRED doesn't register mouse clicks, and I don't know how to use LUA.
The Jovian:
Okay so let me get this straight, this is a fan campaign of a fan campaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......
[attachment deleted by an evil time traveler]
Shivan Hunter:
is all that we play or VOD
but a mod within a mod
can we consider this BP cannon then?
Ah heard of Volition cannon, but I ain't never seen BP cannon before!
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