FreeSpace Releases > Asset Releases
TF-13 Kvasir Advanced Superiority Fighter
Not necessarily better, just more stable. Something about drawing those glowing orbs in PCS2.0.3 causes a crash on crappy hardware.
It's dangerous to open pofs alone! Take this:
Worked like a charm(with the DLL pack from the RC2 thread). Gunpoints, missile-points, docking points, paths, etc. all show up up fine, and not a crash in sight. :D Thanks again.
Be careful of the inverted bounding box error. When you save a pof from RC2A, the bounding box gets inverted, and this can cause strangeness in-game. To fix it, open the pof in PCS 2.0.3 and go the "Data" dropdown menu. Second item from the bottom is "Purge BSP Cache." Click this, then resave the model and your bounding boxes will be a-ok.
Getter Robo G:
TY! That version works! :yes:
Now forget I asked for it...
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