FreeSpace Releases > Asset Releases
Nyx's Old Conversions
<drums>Welcome to my workshop!
This thread has a similar history as Droid's one. I'm working on old models, trying to improve them as much as I can. No, I'm not rivalry for Droid. Just I'm doing similar work as him. This stuff is out of today standards, but still can be useful. Some of them still have polish tech description, I'm too lazy to translate everything.
Strike Cruiser
I was starting conversion of Taristin's cruisers and Calypso a long time ago for my friend's project Pandemonium: Fears of the Crowd, but I think it's not fair. Models from modeldumps and similar sources should be available for all... So if you want use that models, you can use mine or Droid's versions. Mine are bigger, have different turrets and different mapping in a few places. Original model by Taristin. LODs and debris by Droid803 Conversion by Me. Turrets from MediaVPs.
Escort Cruiser
Smaller brother of the Aletheia, ideal for escort missions.
Original model by Taristin. LODs and debris by Droid803. Conversion by Me. Turrets from MediaVPs.
[2shared link removed, use mediafire mirror posted below]
For old-school players :). I don't know how is the history of that model. As I remember, FSF did it for Mjn.Mixael for remake of intro cutscene, but later he released .dae file somewhere in FSU Board. It can be drag-and-drop replacement for retail model, however I didn't tested dockpoints and didn't imported glowpoints.
Strike Corvette
One of the best corvettes I've ever seen. Original model by Raven2001 has very ugly mapping [vertical faced textures], Kobrar44 fixed it and later I've did a conversion. Turrets from Raynor and MediaVPs.
Remake of old Ryx' model by Taristin, used in TVWP. I've noticed HTL Sagi on Admiral Nelson's screenshot from Unification War and I asked him about this model. He allowed me to use it in Shadow Genesis, but now I have final replacement, so I have nothing to do with this model. I reconverted and returreted it for my second project - Nocturnal Skies [Also known as Ultima Cena] where it's going to stay... But it's not my model. It belongs to the community!
Orginal model was very buggy, I removed a lot of this s#%#t and now It's usable [I think]. It has different turret setup for Ultima Cena, but I'm going to release a version with old setup to be drag-and-drop replacement.
Everything have tables. Enjoy! More models are coming, even maybe completely new ones. If someone need some released model with different turret setup or something like that, I would be honored to help :).
Mediafire mirrors:
Arcadia from 2shared link is buggy. Dockpoints don't work correctly. Mirror below contains fixed version ready to be full drag-and-drop replacement. - Arcadia - Calypso - Aletheia - Phanes - Sagittarius - Calypso
--- Quote from: Betrayal on July 16, 2011, 05:49:38 pm ---For old-school players :). I don't know how is the history of that model. As I remember, FSF did it for Mjn.Mixael for remake of intro cutscene, but later he released .dae file somewhere in FSU Board. It can be drag-and-drop replacement for retail model, however I didn't tested dockpoints and didn't imported glowpoints.
--- End quote ---
Wut? That isn't the model I got from FSF. Besides, I fully plan on using the newer HTL that I have been "working" on...
Anyhow, some of these look pretty decent.
--- Quote from: Betrayal on July 16, 2011, 05:49:38 pm ---
One of the best corvettes I've ever seen.
--- End quote ---
Thank you! I didn't realize those old buckets of mine were still useful to someone :D
Commander Zane:
The shape of the Calpyso is good, but the mapping overall is unfortunately still atrocious.
can you please mirror them someplace else? I can't get them!!
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