FreeSpace Releases > Asset Releases

RELEASE: HTL Lucifer shield

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The existing shielded-Lucifer model consists of a really inefficient shield mesh (lots and lots of coplanar polygons), which was made for the :v: Lucifer and then ported to VA's high-poly one. Needless to say, it doesn't fit. The protuberances are not covered, and the entire shield is basically too small to contain the hull. So (per request from Scroll) I made a new shield mesh. Download can be found here on FSMods.

For use: open your mod's Lucifer model in PCS2, go to "shield", press "load" in the top-right and select the DAE-file in the download. This will import the improved shield onto your model. Don't forget to save afterwards.

Luis Dias:

Deadly in a Shadow:
Coolio! Dwnl'd!

Thank you!!   :yes: :yes:

Out of curiosity.... has the deal with high poly shields been resolved? I recall long ago I kept getting CTDs cause of high poly shield meshes. I recall I once had a mesh that was.... 1000 polygons max? Maybe even far less as it wasn't that complicated of a mesh, but it crashed on me. I tried lower poly meshes and they worked fine, tried higher and it crashed some more. Granted this was.... 2-3 years ago.


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