The FreeSpace Upgrade Project

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[-] The FreeSpace Port Upgrade


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[1] Topic: Release: MediaVPs 4.7.x - 21st of November 2023

[2] Constructive criticism: How to give it and how it should be taken.

[3] Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014

[4] Pink/purple lighting with MediaVPs 4.7 and Intel Iris graphics

[5] [Release] FS1 & FS2 Voice Restoration Mods

[6] Pilot Stats across campaigns

[7] Freespace Upgrade 4.7.x Discussion Thread

[8] Lens flares in stars.tbl are supposed to be zero-indexed!

[9] I made a couple tweaks: fixed 3d loadout icons, radar icons


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