Off-Topic Discussion > General Discussion
Two new arts
These are two old images of mine (just like the Gorgon and Cain image), they are overall simply tests of my importing FS view objects and editing them in PSP.
Two Osiris class bombers returning to the PVD Atar during the Talnia campaign in the great war.
Members of the GTVI's Laomedon conclave studying a derelict Sathanas class vessel beyond Ikeya.
Staff member FreeSpace Watch
I like these ones. Very nice. But, why is that Sathanas grey?
Also, I think that he engine glows on that Faustus and those Osiris bombers are a little too spectacular. They still look good though.
[This message has been edited by Setekh (edited 03-10-2001).]
--- Quote ---Originally posted by Setekh:
I like these ones. Very nice. But, why is that Sathanas grey?
--- End quote ---
Because it's a derelict (you remember in the last bit of the final FS2 movie, when the Sathani power up their weird weapon things they all go dark for a second (no red glow - because of the power drain) well, this derelict has no power
I really like those Ace! Especially the second one, it seems to carry the right atmosphere for a GTVI mission
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...and I was expecting to hear someone say: "What are that green beam out of the Faustus!!!!!!"
Well, if you remember the command briefing when the Knossos was first being studied, it shows allied ships surrounding it and science vessels firing off similar beams for scan sweeps.
Staff member FreeSpace Watch
I didn't realise the Faustus was firing it - now that you mention it, it should be kinda wider and more transparent. And dude, you gotta get those in a better compression format - jpg, please!
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