Modding, Mission Design, and Coding > The Scripting Workshop

AI - revisited

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Ah. Welcome aboard slasher. I was wondering where you'd gotten to :)

some kind of scripting hook (i don't know lua, but i'm sure it would be useful to learn) into the AI would be fantastic, with a launcher option of enabling or disabling them. would also make debugging much easier with good code module management. I have a strong interest in game AI myself, and giving a scripting interface would make it a lot more accessable to people like me who don't have the skills to deal with the source code but want to contribute something.

GL and welcome to HLP!

The AI should NEVER be affected by a launcher flag.

Launcher flags should only really affect visuals, loading speed or be there for troubleshooting. They shouldn't ever be required for a mod or mission to work as designed. That's just ****ing stuipid cause it's so easy for someone to come along and just accidentally turn them off.

Can you rename some of the difficulty classes? Perhaps instead of the basic Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Insane, add a class above Insane like Lunatic... make it so the enemy will learn your tactics to kill you faster; only way to win is to change your tactics every few minutes?

Thanks everyone for the interest!

What kind of code samples do you want?  ;7

I'm not sure to what extend learning is really possible in real-time with the whole game going on simultaneously. However, we often let AI play against itself to train it offline, so that might be an option. Also, we might just "limit" AI to planning (without learning), like they did in FEAR. There are some nice articles about that on

Actually, things might be a bit challenging because its a space sim.. almost 6 degrees of freedom (maybe 5, not quite sure how those things like strafing and stuff change this). I've read stuff about path planning with dynamic constraints, as in flight dynamics:, mostly So it should be possible, however, some optimizations might be necessary to make it perform in the game.

So, my idea for now is to kind of copy what they did for FEAR. We already have goals that get defined in FRED (correct me if I'm wrong) and might be added dynamically by the player when he/she commands allies. Then, it is "just" a matter of defining actions, with pre- and postconditions, maybe in Lua, which get chained by the planner for each AI controlled entity to achieve its goals. There might be wing (squad) actions as well to coordinate teams, I have to think about this a little longer. Learning could later be used to identify new actions or meta-actions (i.e. sequences of actions or maneuvers, like mentioned in previous threads).

Actually, is there a tutorial or something which I can follow to run the development build from MS visual studio? Or do I just have to build and run from the IDE?

BTW: great talk about managing software development:



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