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Text Glows
I changed from IE6 to FireFox about 8 months ago. One thing I immediately noticed was that the text glows that some people insert in their forum posts don't display properly. In IE6, the glowing text appears normally. In FireFox, the text appears to be highlighted in that color.
Any ideas on how to fix it?
I vote for getting rid of text glows. I find them more annoying than anything.
There was a plugin for FF that fixed it, I can't remember, I'll get back to you.
In the meantime, IE Tab should do the trick.
That plugin didn't work. I set up the URL rule for HLP too. I think in order for it to work, I would have to add every single page URL on HLP to get it to work.
EDIT: I just tested my hypothesis and it's true. Plus, loading the page through IE7 takes a lot longer. Any other possible solutions?
I can't find any extensions, but I guess you're not alone.
I'm waiting for this one, too.
EDIT: Using CTRL+Click on a link with IE Tab brings up the link in external IE. That could help, short-term. BTW, you should post your bug (HLP not following URL rule) in the bugs section at IE Tab's site:
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