Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Inferno
AD Pylos, Ancient Destroyer
Is that the GTD Galatea 2?!
Nice model by the way. Excellent beams. Can't wait to face it/fight with it!
- Arnav Manchanda
ICQ: 6228797
Creator of Technological Superiority:
The Galatea II, Independence Class Destroyer. New armourments include:
Galatea BGreen: A beam slightly weaker than the Sathanas BFred
Galatea Laser: A rapid fire laser capable of blinding bombers
Bomber Killer: A missile which disbles bombers for a few seconds allowing escort fighters to destroy them.
You serve aboard this ship for most of the campaign.
--- Quote ---Originally posted by Woomeister:
The Galatea II, Independence Class Destroyer.
--- End quote ---
Any screenshots?
- Arnav Manchanda
ICQ: 6228797
Creator of Technological Superiority:
There's a render on the site too
Don't blow it up like the orginal, i like the galetea
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