Modding, Mission Design, and Coding > The Scripting Workshop
Well that was kinda depressing
Scripting - that i used - works only with unstable branch builds. So are you using 369 builds or unstable (pre-3.7) builds?
Vasudan Admiral:
This one:,44659.0.html
(first post of the Builds of Interest thread in the scripting subforum)
Edit: Ah, ok, it works with that build with a clean install + media VPs, so something else is mucking it up in my main install...
Edit2: Well, cleaned up and sorted out my tables folder, and now it works too. I don't really see anything in there that should have crashed it, but apparently something did.
Ah well, fixed now. :) Back to ze experiments!
Vasudan Admiral:
Another question: How do return values work with the script-eval-num?
I'm using this code:
--- Code: ---#Global Hooks
$GameInit: [
Function1 = function()
return 1
--- End code ---
In conjunction with this SEXP setup:
And it crashes on mission commit with this error:
<UNKNOWN>: Argument 1 is an invalid type 'Userdata'; number expected
Got to admit that i have only used 'plain' script-eval... not string or num versions of it.. so no real ideas how to do that..
Looks like a bug...mantis & assign to me.
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