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A new nightly build seems to wreck WOD
I meant no offense, but don't we have debug builds for that very reason? I'm not saying it should be outright removed, but at least an option to avoid having to click OK a million times could be helpful. I mean, this makes some older mods virtually unplayable.
--- Quote from: FrikgFeek on June 21, 2014, 09:30:45 am ---I meant no offense, but don't we have debug builds for that very reason? I'm not saying it should be outright removed, but at least an option to avoid having to click OK a million times could be helpful. I mean, this makes some older mods virtually unplayable.
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The problem is that the original file really should never have worked in any version of FSO. To quote Spoon on this:
--- Quote from: Spoon on June 20, 2014, 03:50:33 pm ---I don't know why that has never produced an error before! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
--- End quote ---
I don't know what the problems with the Stranded ship table are, but if they're similar issues, then they absolutely should be throwing errors, even in release builds.
OK, so instead of crying about it I found the error. The debug complained about line 395, but that line was fine. Since line 395-450 were all about the Caliburn I used an online text compare program to compare the Caliburn-C in the new patched ship table that spoon gave out in this thread and the one in stranded_V0.99.vp. It was basically the same error, an extra quotation mark was breaking the table.
I've attached a patch file with a (hopefully) fixed stranded ship table. You'll have to forgive me if this doesn't help as I have literally no idea how FS2 tables work.
[attachment kidnapped by pirates]
Mind you, back in the day none of the debug builds ever threw up an error about this either. It's just that recent builds have become more picky about errors :p
And yes, Stranded has the same error in Stranded-shp.tbm in the caliburn entry. I'll go fix it soonish. (But I am reminded that I never did release stranded as 1.0... still 0.99. I am shamed)
The urge to snark about "fixes" ending up in a full remake is too great.
But yeah, the new debug and even non-debug builds are a lot less lenient. They complain about everything, not just stuff that will break the game and/or set your computer on fire. It's not really a bad thing, but it does expose some mismatches in older mods.
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