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[RELEASE]GTGs Titan (x3)
Black Wolf:
--- Quote from: 0rph3u5 on March 08, 2016, 08:44:39 am ---Yay, I can finally feature screenshots with it :D (the assault Titan is featured in Of Shivans and Men as GTC Ratatoskr)
Thanks for the release
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You should grab the latest DL as well, you might find some changes - I honestly don't remember what may our may not have changed dive I sent that pof. Worth checking, might be some improvements.
Anyone else seeing a Kushan Heavy Cruiser? No? It's pretty nevertheless.
--- Quote from: Makhpella on March 08, 2016, 09:33:45 am ---Anyone else seeing a Kushan Heavy Cruiser? No? It's pretty nevertheless.
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I hadn't until you brought it up. But yes I can certainly see the resemblance now. This honestly is pretty cool though.
Hmmm... I downloaded it and found pretty strange issue. If it is not your stuff BW, I would think that it was modelled by one of 3D newbies here. Mostly because many flat surfaces, and big amount of small, invisible details. Engines for example are covered by dozens of small ribs which are completly invisible behind thrusters.
Black Wolf:
Believe it or not, but that engine design actually serves a plot purpose!
In the timeline, these ships are meant to be very modern - they're the smallest subspace capable ship in the fleet, after all.
There is another ship planned, somewhat bigger and a generation older, which will have different looking engines. As part of the progress of the war, these ships will be refitted with, among other things, newer engines, which will have the ribs you see here to indicate that they're using the same advanced engines (for the day) that these things are using.
Granted, it is kind of a lot of polies, but I came up with the idea during the modelling phase, so I wanted something distinctive in the geometry rather than waiting for textures.
As for the flat space and small detail, there's two factors contributing to that. One is that that's how I often do a lot of my models. I like small scale detail, so that there's geometry at all levels, without overdoing it (or spending years in a single mesh, I'm not that talented after all :P).
The other big factor behind that is simpler - that's how the current HTL Fenris does it, and I wanted as much visual continuity between this ship and that ship as I could get (Hades new model notwithstanding, I will always love KARMA's model).
They're both legitimate criticisms, I'll grant you, but I do deal with them when I can (note that almost all of that small detail shifts to textures in LoD 1, for example), and they result from what I think are defensible decisions rather than thin air.
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