Modding, Mission Design, and Coding > FS2 Open Tools
RELEASE: Knossos.NET (KNet)
Good question. Given that these controls are more mod specific now, that's the reasoning for having the clickable options be under each mod. But, nevertheless, if you would like to apply settings to all mods you can just copy the relevant command line args and put them in the global command line argument in the global KNet settings tab (ie set them once and they apply everywhere). :) Also, for extra control, you can even disable the global command line on a mod-by-mod basis.
Shivan Hunter:
I find the new UI for command line options more intuitive than the old version, personally :)
Also very glad the critical security vuln was fixed where Sathanas Juggernauts could come through the Knossos portal, that was very inconvenient. :p
Is it safe to delete the Classic Knossos, or would that cause complications for the new launcher
Perfectly safe to delete old Knossos (note, by delete old Knossos we of course mean deleting the program, not the mod library folder that holds the mods themselves :) ). Also, old Knossos likely has files in App Data folders of Roaming and Local so if you are deleting old Knossos, I suggest checking those locations and deleting 'Knossos' folders there. KNet has folders in App Data called 'KnossosNET', while old Knossos folders are just named 'Knossos'.
Congrats on the v1.0 KNet release! :yes: That’s a huge milestone and a big step forward for FSO tools. :nod:
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