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Author Topic: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]  (Read 108659 times)

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Offline StarSlayer

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Russia, that's some nice shipping you have there...

It would be a shame if something happened to it.
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]

'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Deck mounted, long range, guided fish? :P

Unfortunately most of the online artwork have these or are one of the spotter plane variants.
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”


Offline Spoon

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Who needs a surface fleet when you can just have subs nuke everything. (Amirite, italy?)

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them


Offline Darius

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Looked like a Soviet Dreadnought at first glance.


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Who needs a surface fleet when you can just have subs nuke everything. (Amirite, italy?)


See why I thought it was hilarious?

Looked like a Soviet Dreadnought at first glance.

What did?  :blah: The sub Slayer posted?
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)


Offline Droid803

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Yes the sub.
Looks like the Soviet Dreadnought from Red Alert 2 (and a lesser extent the one from 3)



Offline Enioch

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Kill Them, Starve Them, Break Them

While the Japanese submarines continued to pick off the remaining Russian patrol boats in the East, the Japanese fleet moved to intercept the incoming Russian fleet. This time around, the Russians had, as mentioned before, made a concentrated effort to keep their ships supplied; and capital ships were escorted by large convoys meant to keep them refueled and operational during the long voyage. The Russians had also not skimped on destroyer escorts this time around.

The Japanese, in turn, made it a point to hunt these convoys down. On the 13th of August, I-107 hit the jackpot. She sighted a massive Russian convoy, a hundred miles to the south-west of Sumatra. More importantly, she spotted the ship the convoy was assigned to: a Russian capital ship; either a super-Dread, or a battlecruiser.

Unfortunately for the Russians, Kongo and Kirishima were less than thirty miles away, escorted by Yaeyama and her destroyer squadron.

Time for some pirating.

At 08:25 of the 14th of August, the Japanese ships crested the horizon; and opened fire at extreme long range. The ITMS signatures from the convoy were diffuse enough to confuse the targeting systems and so no hits were scored until 08:45, when Yaeyama charged the Russian transports like a shark. The Japanese task force closed the range even further; and for the first time the ITMS systems got a lock on the escorting Russian BC.

With Yaeyama left behind to finish off the convoy, the Japanese battlecruisers charge down the Russian ship. Their ITMS systems are still calculating target solutions and the Russian scores first blood, with an overpenetrating hit on Kongo's superstructure.

The Japanes are not fazed and fire back: eighteen 17-inch rifles gouge overpressure craters into the ocean surface. Seconds later, the lookouts report at least four hits on the enemy. And as she turns to evade upcoming fire, they get enough of a silhouette to identify her.

She's the Rymnik, the first and last remaining ship of her class. All of her younger sisters have been sunk. She's outmassing her opponents, but she's slower and can only bring six rifles to bear, as her Y Turret is, apparently, jammed.

The Japanese ships proceed to demonstrate why speed is king. They slot onto the Russian's tail, where she can only bring a single turret to bear and commence pursuit. As they close the range, they occastionally unshadow their rear batteries and fire broadsides.

It's as unfair a fight as they get. For every two shells that the Rymnik can put in their direction, the Japanese ships can return twelve to eighteen, depending on their heading. And the Russian ship cannot outrun them or outmaneuver them.

It's a massacre. The Russian DDs attempt to intercept the Japanese ships, lay smokescreens and allow the Rymnik to escape, but Kongo and Kirishima trust their secondaries and torpedo protection and charge them down. The destroyers scatter and are promptly blown out of the water.

And the Japanese ships get a good look at the Rymnik. Almost an hour into the engagement, she's a flaming wreck. Her A Turret is a mass of twisted metal and her Y Turret is still inoperable. She's listing hard to starboard, her decks are on fire and her speed is down to twenty knots.

The Japanese DDs close in for the kill. Fumizuki launches her fish and disengages; a torpedo strikes the Rymnik at 09:48, exactly an hour after the Yaeyama's attack on the convoy.

There is a moment of peace; and then the entirety of the Rymnik's secondary batteries on that side of the ship go up. Secondary explosions travel the lenght of the ship. Her turret mountings buckle; the top of B turret cracks under the pressure and a gout of flame reaches towards the heavens. The ship goes not break up, but she just...dies, drifting to a stop.

The surviving Russian sailors are evacuated. A quick inspection of the Rymnik deems it to be unsalvageable.

And I-107 is called upon to sink the wreck.

Time to end this war.

The Japanese had had enough. The Russians were brave men, but they had to be brought to heel, quickly and decisively. The Japanese submariners were instructed to proceed with unrestricted warfare. Anything flying the Russian ensign was a valid target; and no warning would be given to the crews.

Practically overnight, Russian shipping received an unprecedented blow. The Japanese submarines just would not stop. The Russian populace, already in considerable distress thanks to the new regime's...questionable domestic policy decisions, came to know true hardship over the upcoming weeks.

The Russian submariners tried to strike back - and three out of four times, whenever they sank a ship, the attacking submarine quickly was sent to join it.

Their raiders were more successful - for a given value of successful.

The Japanese were...more successful, it must be said.

And oh, did the Russians feel it. In late October, with the dread Russian winter approaching quickly, the spectre of starvation loomed over the Russian populace.

Break, for God's sake.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 07:34:23 am by Enioch »
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
...And this is what happens when you have a large submarine fleet, your opponent has a crippled ASW force, and you order unrestricted warfare. By the way, every 'tick' of the 'Causes starvation' event equates to a tick of unrest in Russia. At 10, the government collapses.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:34:11 pm by Enioch »
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)

Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Uh wow, **** is really going down for Russia. Well, they had it coming...

...And this is what happens when you have a large submarine fleet, your opponent has a crippled ASW force, and you order unrestricted warfare. By the way, every 'tick' of the 'Causes starvation' event equates to a tick of unrest in Russia. At 10, the government collapses.
Does that ever happen? I would expect the ai to end the war with great concessions before it gets so far and only the player might end up at that point cause of his decisions.
Here goes scripting and copy paste coding
Freespace RTS Mod
Checkpoint/Shipsaveload script


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Yes, it happens. You need to be lucky with the "end the war?" messages and keep selecting the "crush them!" option. And your politicians need to bloody listen.

You want their government to collapse, because that gives you 10 concession points (you can't get higher than that) and it allows you to steal one of their capital ships as reparations.
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Yes, it happens. You need to be lucky with the "end the war?" messages and keep selecting the "crush them!" option. And your politicians need to bloody listen.

You want their government to collapse, because that gives you 10 concession points (you can't get higher than that) and it allows you to steal one of their capital ships as reparations.

Have you left any  afloat worth taking?   :p
“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
No Russian ships were worth taking anyway. Heavy, undergunned dinosaurs.
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)


Offline StarSlayer

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
No Russian ships were worth taking anyway. Heavy, undergunned dinosaurs.

Is the next FLEETEX Shooting Competition going to have a more interesting target then?

“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world”


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
That's for me to know and for you magnificent bastards to find out.
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)

Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
No Russian ships were worth taking anyway. Heavy, undergunned dinosaurs.
I guess a Rymnik could have been a nice expendable merchant raider :D
Here goes scripting and copy paste coding
Freespace RTS Mod
Checkpoint/Shipsaveload script


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Are you crazy? The maintenance on that old tub alone would be sufficient to support the construction of two new light cruisers. Not to mention any modernisation expenses.
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)

Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Who said its gonna live long enough to start hitting the budget? Though since the war is over it would really just sit around and eat a lot of money. So target practice then, or dump some shells and torps into it for "research" purposes and get another lvl up on armor and torpedo protection. So much stuff the game doesn't support...

Do the Russians have any decent ship worth taking?
Here goes scripting and copy paste coding
Freespace RTS Mod
Checkpoint/Shipsaveload script


Offline Enioch

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
Who said its gonna live long enough to start hitting the budget? Though since the war is over it would really just sit around and eat a lot of money. So target practice then, or dump some shells and torps into it for "research" purposes and get another lvl up on armor and torpedo protection. So much stuff the game doesn't support...

It does support this, actually. Every time you scrap a ship, you have a chance to trigger such an event. The event might give you boosts in AP projectiles, armor or tops.


Do the Russians have any decent ship worth taking?

That'd be an emphatic 'no'.
'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'  -Salvor Hardin, "Foundation"

So don't take a hammer to your computer. ;-)


Offline Spoon

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Re: Enioch's naval shenanigans - RTW as Japan - [Image Heavy!]
How does one starve russia with submarines? Don't they have like... massive wheatfields inland? Overland trade routes?

[02:42] <@Axem> spoon somethings wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> critically wrong
[02:42] <@Axem> im happy with these missions now
[02:44] <@Axem> well
[02:44] <@Axem> with 2 of them