Author Topic: .magic  (Read 1663 times)

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Offline taylor

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I'm not sure that anyone would be interested in this, but I'm posting my .magic file in case someone would like it.  Anyone wanting to expand on it, or just make it simpler, please post any changes and I'll fold them in to the main file.

A quick note for the non-UNIX people out there, a magic file is used by the "file" command to determine file types and print out information about them.

My current file has basic support for DDS, ANI, VP, EFF, IBX and POF files.  The following information is provided:

$ file DirectDraw Surface (DDS), 512 x 512, 10 mipmap levels, DXT1

$ file exp04.ani
exp04.ani: Volition ANI, 256 x 256, 37 frames at 20 fps, 1 key frame

$ file exp20.eff
exp20.eff: FS2_Open Effect Animation (EFF), DDS, 64 frames at 35 fps

$ file mv_models_t.vp
mv_models_t.vp: Volition Package (VP Archive), 544 files

$ file cruiser01.pof
cruiser01.pof: Volition Polygon Model (POF), version 2117 (Freespace 2), 10 models, 4 textures

$ file cruiser01.ibx
cruiser01.ibx: FS2_Open Index Buffer eXchange (IBX) file

The VP test includes both files and directories, the IBX test does do much of anything.  The ANI test is rather convoluted and could be prone to catching non-ANI files by mistake (ANI doesn't really have an easily definable identifier).  But, here is the file if anyone happens to be interested (just save it as ~/.magic):

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