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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Liberator
Umm, didn't it use the Daedalus for that manuver.  I thought the Prometheus was the more conventional looking carrier

You're right, my fault...  :o


Offline TrashMan

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
I remember that a whole city was inside that thing....I'm not talking people-vise...there were buildings, roads, even a damned stadion.. (Hell, a normal carrier from today can house 5000 crewmen, but those are stacked up like sardines).

Now all that couldn't fit inside it even if it were 1,5 km WIDE (which would make it about 6km long).. A stadion alone is 200m at least.

Not to mention that the scale in FS2 is completely screwed up, and that a 2km long destroyer doen't look that large at all...
And the SDF-1 is supposed to be freakin HUGE!
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I thought there was a way to go fully back and forth. Right now "g" turns fighter to Gerwalk. Then place the battloid under the gerwalk model in table. That's a major improvement but still a one-way trip, got to keep that in mind.

[edit]  Oh and BTW sometimes you have to ignore "offcial" numbers. I experienced this with Star Trek ships. In order to make the player feel like they were in a fighter or shuttle I had to often blow up a ST ship 3-4 times larger than the official number in Model View. Otherwise seeing the player ships next to the starships would look silly and totally out of scale.

  My rule of thumb was to keep opening fred and placing the resized model next to a fighter or shuttle and see how it looked in game (using landmarks like docking ports, windows, shuttle bays, ect) depending on which starship it was...  This often produced clashes with different ship classes but I decided to err on the side of playability and player scale NOT any set of numbers... That's why the romulan Warbird is like over 2000 meters, and also why the defiant is MUCH larger than in ST cause of the shuttle port under the hull has to fit a player shuttle for docking (the circle on the bottom launched a shuttle in one episode...)

    So don't fell restricted by ANY numbers!!! Only Game limits and movie/ty depictions should rule. There were around 30,000 macross citizens who rebuilt their city in the SDF-1. When Rick and Minmei got lost below decks rick charted out passages of possible escape for over 2 weeks (by the third week a construction accident opened a deep hole over the section they were in) So the SDF-1 is Ridiculously enormous! This may be a challenge in game cause of any radical manuevers the fortress may make while the player is in the area (I've been slapped around in ST a lot cause I was too close to a fed ship changing course to engage) ;)

  Only onecomment though, I May be wrong but the shoulder cannons (meaning white cow part that splits and bend over shoulder to fire in humanoid form) looks a wee bit long? Looks awesome otherwise!!!!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2004, 05:01:17 pm by 622 »
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by TrashMan
I remember that a whole city was inside that thing....I'm not talking people-vise...there were buildings, roads, even a damned stadion.. (Hell, a normal carrier from today can house 5000 crewmen, but those are stacked up like sardines).

A carrier is long at average 300 meters, while the Macross is 1200 meters, so it means the space inside is 64 times (4^3)larger than a modern day ship, so the crew of such a ship can be 5000 * 64 = 320.000 people; now if i'm not wrong there were 30.000 civilians on board, so they will fit. Yes, a city of that size won't probably fit inside the macross (they should have little apartments), but well, those are the number and i follow them.
Another point is that the Prometheus and Daedalus are normal modern day carriers, if i make the Macross 6km long thoshe things will became 1.5 km long and such seafaring ships can't possible exisit.
Point 2, if the Macross is 6km long the Thuverl Salan cruisers will be 10 km long to keep the scale, and the Nupetiet Vergnitz flagship will be a freaking 20km long ship.... how can i put them in a map (and i usually need a lot of them) without screwing up the gameplay i don't know (and don't talk about texture distorsion)... and what about beams that vanish at 30km? How are such huge ships going to hit each others? The actual size is just fine.

Not to mention that the scale in FS2 is completely screwed up, and that a 2km long destroyer doen't look that large at all...
And the SDF-1 is supposed to be freakin HUGE! [/B]

Well, that's what you think, but when i fly over an Orion it looks  enormous to me.....

Originally posted by Star Dragon
I thought there was a way to go fully back and forth. Right now "g" turns fighter to Gerwalk. Then place the battloid under the gerwalk model in table. That's a major improvement but still a one-way trip, got to keep that in mind.

What do you think? Are you referiing to that "roboBuild" posted above? If that so you can go back and forth any time you want....

Originally posted by Star Dragon
My rule of thumb was to keep opening fred and placing the resized model next to a fighter or shuttle

Lol, a Valkyrie next to my 1200 meters Macross is already invisible...

Originally posted by Star Dragon
Only onecomment though, I May be wrong but the shoulder cannons (meaning white cow part that splits and bend over shoulder to fire in humanoid form) looks a wee bit long? Looks awesome otherwise!!!!

What model are you talking about? If it's Trashman one's, yes they are way too long...


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by ryuune75

Well, that's what you think, but when i fly over an Orion it looks  enormous to me.....

For the rest, I agree with you, but not there. It looks as big as how a fernis should look like. Don't believe me? run into one of the big turrets, yeah, ram them. They look, well, reasonably big, from the cockpit. Switch to external view. I'll let you conclude ;).

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Nico

For the rest, I agree with you, but not there. It looks as big as how a fernis should look like. Don't believe me? run into one of the big turrets, yeah, ram them. They look, well, reasonably big, from the cockpit. Switch to external view. I'll let you conclude ;).

It's simply a thing called perspective, change it and ships will look bigger, but in no way i'll change the real sizes for some perpective errors.
As of now i can have dozens of battle pods swarm over the Macross and they are so tiny you cannot see them at all from the external view of the Macross at max zoom. This is "huge" in my point of view


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by ryuune75

It's simply a thing called perspective, change it and ships will look bigger, but in no way i'll change the real sizes for some perpective errors.
As of now i can have dozens of battle pods swarm over the Macross and they are so tiny you cannot see them at all from the external view of the Macross at max zoom. This is "huge" in my point of view

I know what it is ( man, that FOV thing in the SCP is something I've asked for for ages ). And I didn't say anything about changing scales. I was just pointing out the fact, nothing else.
As for the pods, problem isn't the SDF1 is huge, rather the pods are tiny.

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Nico
I know what it is ( man, that FOV thing in the SCP is something I've asked for for ages ).

I know. Btw, what fov you like to use to make the ships looks bigger?

Originally posted by Nico
As for the pods, problem isn't the SDF1 is huge, rather the pods are tiny.

No, not really, they are over 20meters tall, pretty much like FS2 fighters, Valkyries on the other hand are much more smaller (12 meters tall in battroid form)


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
no, I mean on screen. I know they're tall, a zentraedi has to fit in, after all.
What fov? dunno, haven't played much with it :p

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Nico
no, I mean on screen.

What's the difference?


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Originally posted by Star Dragon
I thought there was a way to go fully back and forth. Right now "g" turns fighter to Gerwalk. Then place the battloid under the gerwalk model in table. That's a major improvement but still a one-way trip, got to keep that in mind.

Incorrect, you can go back and forth. I think when you hit fighter, it looks one ship up, and gerwalk one ship down. I am 100% sure that this worked.

Oh, wait! I think I might know. Are you still using the old method? Create a new mission, and DON'T put in the SEXP for the old "Turret01" self destruct thing.


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by ryuune75

What's the difference?


Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Nico


Just joking, i know what you mean :)

edit: this is off-topic, but i just clicked your links... you have made that model of the Arcadia? And you put it in FS2??? Please tell me i can have it!!!! :eek2:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2004, 07:07:39 am by 1612 »

I just DL'ed the robo-build and placed in in my RT folder so when I get i the mood for RT stuff again I will try it out. Right now I am fighting TS and PCs with turreting and NOT losing the lights I used trueview to glues to the model's turrets...

    I am seriously starting to think maybe memory leaks or something in the background is causing TS to lock up and corrupt my wip models.. like a virus or something, (hackers?) lol.. I did the cube thing and it worked, then made 4 turrets and they worked, now wanted to add 5 more then it all went straight to hell..
Don't think of it as being outnumbered. Think of it as having a wide target selection !

ICQ#: 5256653
[email protected]

Projects: Gundam TC, Trek BTFF, REF, and Beyond Redemption


Offline TrashMan

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Who said that the Prometheus and Dedalus are normal carruers? Maby they are super carriers? Larger that normal ones (it seemed so in the begining scenes of the show..)

Scale it t 1.2 km and it will look crap..
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by TrashMan
Who said that the Prometheus and Dedalus are normal carruers? Maby they are super carriers? Larger that normal ones (it seemed so in the begining scenes of the show..)

Scale it t 1.2 km and it will look crap..

They ARE normal 300-400 meters carriers, just look at their bridges, they are scaled like a normal modern day carrier. Or just look at the Valkyries when they take off from the runway, compare the size, and if they were 1.5km behemots the runway will be able to lauch more than 2 fighters at a time.
Or if you want better and clearer comparison, take a look at the daedalus attack: when the daedalus is inside the enemy ship the front door opens and you can see aligned inside the ship something like 2 monster and in front of them 4 or 5 tomahawk destroids, and they occupy the entire width of the ship....

Live with it, the Macross IS 1200meters, like it or not...


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by ryuune75

Just joking, i know what you mean :)

edit: this is off-topic, but i just clicked your links... you have made that model of the Arcadia? And you put it in FS2??? Please tell me i can have it!!!! :eek2:

you can, but it has a couple pbs: the "missile" turret has flipped normals, and for some reason, I never managed to get it to shoot at anything. turrets aim, and... they keep aiming... and... nothing.
And the LODS for that mesh are possibly the worst things I've ever modeled, I kind of rushed them :p ( and I didn't make debris, Woomeister, while converting, added those crappy ones. I didn't want debris, the Arcadia is not supposed to die!!!!!! :p ).
It also has something like 20 maps, btw :p

Oh, and the SDF1 is indeed 1.2km long.


I thought the Invid were larger :blah:
« Last Edit: February 25, 2004, 07:33:52 am by 83 »

Official Robotech Mod Thread
Originally posted by Nico
you can, but it has a couple pbs: the "missile" turret has flipped normals, and for some reason, I never managed to get it to shoot at anything. turrets aim, and... they keep aiming... and... nothing.
And the LODS for that mesh are possibly the worst things I've ever modeled, I kind of rushed them :p ( and I didn't make debris, Woomeister, while converting, added those crappy ones. I didn't want debris, the Arcadia is not supposed to die!!!!!! :p ).
It also has something like 20 maps, btw :p

Thanks! It's a wonderful mesh, oh, i maybe can solve thos problems myself, especially the turret ones...i want to make them huge badass beam cannons! THe lods i never bothered with, and for the debris, as you say, the Arcadia can't be destroyed! :)
But... there is some place where i can dowload it?? Or you can send me by mail?

Originally posted by Nico
I thought the Invid were larger :blah:

They can't be large, if the can be destroyed by a little Cyclone... even the Alpha fighter is much smaller than a Valkyrie!!


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Official Robotech Mod Thread
I'm gonna upload it, will be simpler.

Btw, for size chart:

you need to register, tho, but heh, if you're doing a robotech mod, at least, be registered to the official robotech website :p