Hosted Projects - Non-FreeSpace > MechCommander OmniTech

ABL Scripting Library

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RD, have you considered turning this list into a series of applied tutorials?

Also, a question...

Does anyone know how to get the UnitIDs for the players force?
If I take 5 mechs on a mission and I want one of those mechs to change sides halfway through the mission because of... reasons...
how would I determine the UnitID?

GetUnitMates(SquadID, INT); doesnt seem to work and that probably makes sense as the mechs/units the player takes on the mission are not in the .FIT and therefore probably dont have a SquadID.



--- Quote from: Karl on March 29, 2016, 03:14:58 am ---RD, have you considered turning this list into a series of applied tutorials?

--- End quote ---

No, sorry, I haven't thought of doing any applied tutorials and I'm not sure I'd have the time or resources to make anything worthwhile. I'm not sure where to start with making tutorials and have never done anything like that to the depth I think it would need to be a comprehensive guide/tutorial. (It's still going my to-do list though, thanks for the idea! )...

First players unit is 2050 - fixed.
Second is 2051, etc.

YUS!!! Thanks Magic


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