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What Freespace are you (Re)Playing Now?
New Wings of Dawn, Just Another Day, Aerilon is Burning over at Diaspora spring to mind.
I've gotten a big nostalgic urge recently & played through a bunch of old games, with got me wanting to play through FS2 again. Unfortunately, I would feel guilty for not finishing BtA first, which I keep putting off due to me wanting to be able to put 2-3 hours in it uninterrupted, and that kind of timeslot is getting increasingly rare (which, incidentally is also the reason my ability framework keeps getting stalled).
tldr; I want to play BtA & FS2, but can't find time to do it properly.
Played through the german exclusive "Relic - Spuren im Sand" (translated: Relic - Traces in the Sand) campaign today. A campaign from 2009 with 40 missions and 10 cutscenes...
That was indeed interesting, but in my opinion it want to tell way too much in this campaign.
The Death of Khonsu II and the fight for the Vasudan throne, The GTVA return to Sol which leads into a complete GTVA-Sol war that end in a reunification. The Return of the Hammer of Light that had knowledge about an Ancient Superweapon, that they want to use and to hand over the Shivans with ETAK. Oh and you have to deal something like two complete Shivan invasion fleets, of course.
Everything in only one campaign... other people need only one Plotline for a whole campaign.
But actually i did have much more problems with the voice acting. It uses voice files from FS1 & FS2 most of the time in the missions. And some TTS-pieces for exclusive lines. Even i think that TTS was not implemented very well here, the voice files from the original campaigns were the much bigger problem for myself. You hear the same sentences over and over again and they never regard the developments that happens in this campaign. So i had often the impression, that the Story is not carried on in the mission itself, because you always hear the same.
Colonol Dekker:
That has grabbed my attention and piqued my interest.
I just wish my German was better. :(
I just started playing through FS1 for the first time since I was a teenager. It's been really cool so far, but it's been making me want to get into making missions -- specifically for Fate of the Galaxy. I have yet to determine if their release will be coming this year. If so, then that will definitely make me want to make a series of missions all the more. Already have one good idea that would be perfect for a 3-4 mission campaign too. I just have no idea how to actually start mapping using FotG assets. I'm sure I'll figure it out though.
Will be playing through FS2 in short order, was breezing through the game and realized I was on easy mode. Oops! Don't care though, had a fun time.
EDIT: I opened FRED and the SW assets were the first thing to pop up. Looks like all you do is have to load the mod?
--- Quote from: QuikSnap on June 19, 2017, 10:07:33 pm ---I just started playing through FS1 for the first time since I was a teenager. It's been really cool so far, but it's been making me want to get into making missions -- specifically for Fate of the Galaxy. I have yet to determine if their release will be coming this year
--- End quote ---
I wouldn't bet on that, unfortunately.
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