Hosted Projects - Standalone > Fate of the Galaxy

[FotG Update] Summer 2023


It's been a few months since our last official forum update, so all of us at Fate of the Galaxy want to share what we have been working on this past summer. Over the past few months we have updated FotG with multiple additions, enhancements, and fixes:

* Added the Golan Shield Gate Station, massive thanks to Dark Visor for his terrific and long amount of work on this. This is the largest station yet in FotG and is a great station to fly and dogfight around.
* Added updated TIE Cockpits, which has more internal detail and structure, along with a much better field of view and centralized gauges for a more accurate movie feel. Cockpit also has AO textures separated out, and will continue to be polished (huge thanks to Limbert for all his work on the cockpits and the final push to get the TIE cockpits updated, which were the first cockpits initially added and were the last remaining ones that needed updating).
* Added custom traitor lines for pirates and Imperials with VA (thanks tnadz!). Note, Rebels already had a traitor line.
* Added a new Alien pilot persona, a Huttese voice that is acted by Limbert!
* Updated our FotG FRED Document with a robust tutorial for beginners. Again, very much thanks to Dark Visor for taking the current FRED Intro guide and adapting it and modernizing it for use in FotG, including making a complete tutorial mission to help new FREDers get up and running with FotG.
* Speaking of aspects FREDers may find use, the Golan Station was also updated with moveables, which will allow FREDers to specifically adjust positions of multiple submodels in a given mission, such as the docking clamps, the platform hangar crane, and the internal hangar support struts.
* Updated many models to be better optimized in various ways: including with submodel, paths, and other cleanups.
* Updated campaign missions with multiple cleanup and minor fixes (thanks to Admiral Nelson for the most recent testing!).
* Updated all fonts to be unicode compatible, which is a requirement for eventual upgrade to SCP UI (IE the in-development high resolution FSO UI).
* Updated custom roles gauge and Axem message box gauge with substantial optimizations (both are now custom HUD gauge, which means the more expensive On Frame draw calls are no longer needed and they robustly scale the same as other HUD gauges).
* Updated some HUD placements in chase view with minor improvements to better see select gauges such as radar. Also, updated 'Optional Reminders' gauge to be tied to visibility status of directives gauge, so that players can toggle visibility of those gauges off via HUD config menu if they want a more cinematic experience.
* Updated Project Alderaan with additional fixes and enhancements.
* Updated custom role gauge to work with 4k.
* Updated the splash screen with some fading features (thanks MjnMixael!).
* Fixed many other minor bugs, including some very sneaky FSO ones that Goober helped track down and fix. 
Community Connections
We also would like to highlight all the fantastic work continually being done with the FSO engine and SCP folks. That team has added new SEXPs, FRED and nebula options, AI behaviors, bug fixes and optimizations, and many other enhancements which FotG takes full advantage of. Just to name a few, Lafiel maintains his wizardry of adding FSO features, Goober continues to add highly useful enhancements and fixes, MjnMixael has authored many useful quality of life PRs for the SCP UI and other scripting aspects, Asteroth has been working on fixes and the upcoming cockpit sway feature, and ShivianSPS has continued to push updates for the excellent Knossos.NET launcher. As always, there’s many other devs adding great fixes, features, and other enhancements, too.

Moving Forward
For folks who want to view more frequent FotG updates, feel free to join our Discord channel where we post most of our informal progress:

As always, thank you all for your support and enthusiasm! Ultimately, we are moving closer to our internal milestones for a public release. Externally, there are also some very exciting FSO features that are being worked on that we are hoping will get added in the next few months too, which FotG is very much looking forward to! Overall, once we have all the final content implemented and polishing completed, we will be extremely excited to share the game with everyone. In the meantime, here are some new shots of the updated TIE Cockpits and new Shield Gate. May the Force be with you!

May the Force be with you.

Awesome to see the progress on FotG and all the lovely work the teammembers (and helpers) are putting into this! :)

We are so happy and thankful to be part of such a fantastic community!  :)


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