Author Topic: Multiplayer maps suggestions  (Read 2026 times)

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Offline UnknDoomer

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Multiplayer maps suggestions
I didn't check much existing onces, but can say that multiplayer still can works fine via GameRanger, manual -

Have some suggestions for multiplayer. Seems to most of things before were stick to "regular" kind of maps where pack of mechs will just attack an another pack of mechs, i.e. like in regular game with AI. For multiplayer it's too chaotic thing in my opinion and not interesting. Possible reason also why multiplayer is mostly dead today. So I've start thinking how to change that part. And here we are.

1. The Block. Players starts on the west and east of the map. There is mostly nothing useful left on the map, only an small rectangle arena in the center with high walls and two entrances with control panels outside can be found. 1 mech from each side enter to the arena and start fighting till one mech will die.

1. No ammunition like ER PPC, Gauss Rifle or Heavy AC allowed. Everything not too heavy is fine. No jump jets allowed also.
2. 4 types of mechs from each side. Light one, medium, heavy, assault. Light one fight with light one and etc. Up to 3 groups of mechs in total, i.e. 12 from each side.
3. There is repair bays outside the the fighting zone. After each line of rounds completed players can repair their first line of mechs that are still alive an continue fighting in the same way later - light one with light one and etc. I.e. after 12 fights completed second line starts - light mechs that are alive figting with another and so on.
4. Each win - 1 score. Where there is no possibility anymore to fight like 1 light mech - another 1 light mech and so on, to finish the battle all mechs that are still alive at the end repair themselfs once more and all together going to the arena. Player which will win that fight will get additional 1 score.

Exploded structures, destroyed mechs, or the remains of minefields around for surroundings can be posted around the area for better atmosphere. Same thing for soundtracks.

Such map can have great replay potential.

2. The Maze.

Minotaur like arena. One player take 3 Ravens. Another player take 1 Mad Cat. According to it's name it can be maze like map. Mad Cat always start in the center of the maze. Ravens in the diffrent drop zones - 1 in the maze, one outside near by, one somewhere else.

2.1. Raven from the maze need to exit from the maze alive to the extraction point outside the area.
2.2. Raven near the maze need to find an a specific point or capture a structure in the maze.
3. Third... has no idea yet.

No heavy ammunition allowed for Ravens. To win the game completely for Mad Cat it's required to kill all 3 Ravens. Each killed Raven - 1 point. For Ravens - complete their tasks. Each task - 1 point. Player also can try to kill Mad Cat to win the game.

Here less replay potential in next time player that have played with Raven will already know where to go and what to do. Anyhow. This is the case with most games, isn't it?

3. The Hills.

Chaotic type map with a lot of hills, mountains, lakes and obstacles. Players take up to 3 jumping mechs that will be randomly posted around 6 drop zones on the map. No heavy ammunition. All mechs has jump jets, but pilots are extremly low with that skill. There are 9 containers somewhere on the map. Each cost one point. Players need to take maximum of containers and get to the only one extraction point after. Additional 1 point will be given for each killed enemy mech. Direct 3x3 fight not allowed, player must stick to the main task.

If it would be possible to somehow randomize the containers, for example make 3-5 types of that map and +/- change landscape slightly this map also can have great replay potential.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 12:38:27 am by UnknDoomer »
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Offline RizZen

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MechCommander Multiplayer - Q&A
Well the NGNG content got purged - as well as the multiplayer history of modding.

This is the most disgusting point on MechCommander.

All in all i like your ideas - but you should keep in mind that there is already existing a multiplayer - CoC (Code of Conduct) that allows playing MechCommander multiplayer in a familiar way. I have wrote some articles about that topic on modDB:

MP tactical guide

and there is another article i can not find yet - maybe i didn't released it on modDB right now, but i will. I have a backup of the "" star-league rules. A very interesting rule sheet that is corresponding with the BattleTech canon lore rules.


Why it is disgusting?

I will comment that on a later day. It is a long story, telling how some minor people destroyed the MC multiplayer culture by bullying, blackmailing and cheating innocent gamers for decades. I have experienced the **** myself when MCOnline was still "online" - and i am happy that i could destroy it. So this is all for first. Maybe some of the **** guys feel triggered now - will be more fun going on further telling the story when one of those dumbasses shows up. If not - i don't care i will re-tell my story - anyways.

EDIT: Although you should keep in mind, that i have already created more then 60 multiplayer scenarios for Darkest Hours - and got ZERO feedback for it until today - so before i go on compiling any mp content their must be feedback. And a MP community that is worth - focussing on that topic again. Actually - when ALL WHAT I HAVE compiled remains totally unused - im not willing to create any more content for this game mode.

Regards RizZ
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 11:25:29 am by RizZen »
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Offline UnknDoomer

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Re: Multiplayer maps suggestions
All in all i like your ideas
Although you should keep in mind, that i have already created more then 60 multiplayer scenarios for Darkest Hours - and got ZERO feedback for it until today - so before i go on compiling any mp content their must be feedback. And a MP community that is worth - focussing on that topic again. Actually - when ALL WHAT I HAVE compiled remains totally unused - im not willing to create any more content for this game mode.

Hm. Okey.
It is a long story, telling how some minor people destroyed the MC multiplayer
Maybe some of the **** guys feel triggered now - will be more fun going on further telling the story when one of those dumbasses shows up. If not - i don't care i will re-tell my story - anyways.

The time for dark, strange and mystery stories has come.

[attachment deleted to save space]
« Last Edit: August 22, 2020, 03:36:48 am by UnknDoomer »
You don't need any talent to go between the impossible...