After going through all the files on the ftp, there's a few ships I'd like to see cleaned up and finished before any initial release. In order of precedence:
ISD - We have a very nice mesh, and a set of textures. It needs to be baked, turreted, LOD'd, and then have its pof info finished
Escort Carrier - Mesh and textures are ready, needs LOD/Turrets/POF info, etc.
Assault Frigate - Has a good mesh and texture set, but I think there's something wrong with the version on the ftp as textures are showing up on the wrong side of mesh. I need someone to take a look at it, and turret/LOD/POF it.
A-Wing - There is a low poly version, but I'd like the newer high-poly one to be finished. The texture should be fairly easy to apply from the old one, and could later be made higher quality as well.
Corvette - We also have a higher poly version of the corvette, which I would like to see replace the current lowpoly one. I need someone to convert the texture to it, and then turret/LOD/POF etc.
At least as soon as we can get an ISD in the game, I think we would be just about ready to get an initial release out the door. So if anyone wants to tackle any of this please let me know.