Author Topic: TIE wips and probs  (Read 4182 times)

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Offline Topgun

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I am almost done w/ the tie but I ran into a problem. I render it in truspace and it looks fine, but when I turn it too .pof it looks like this!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Offline Vasudan Admiral

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Two issues I see there.
1) The red parts are where the model has no texture. This will require a reconversion to fix, but first you'll probably have to reapply the missing texture to the parts it was assigned to in TS.
I've had this happen with TS occasionally, still don't know why it does it, but TS will lose a texture and then not tell you. It'll appear correctly in TS until you try and sample it using the eyedropper. :\

2) The black and totally missing parts (ie, everything else) is where modview has found the texture, but it can't display it. At this time, modview only supports 256-colour .PCX files. If your images are any other type or colour depth, they'll not display.

If you want modview to display the textures, you'll need to make 256 colour PCX versions of all of them. Be careful not to let these files interfere with your main FS2 install, since they'll be lower quality and less efficient than the DDS versions you should use in-game. What I recommend is creating a folder structure like "ModviewTextures\data\maps" and putting the textures in there. Then manually configure modviews FS2 installation directory to be the "ModviewTextures" folder and it should read the files properly.

Oh, and also: to get maximum efficiency out of the engine, your models need to have as few textures as possible. Taylor has an excellent guide posted here:,37158.0.html
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Offline Topgun

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I do have textures that belong to the parts that are black, in 8bitpcx too! Right there in the model's dir!


Offline Topgun

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Hey, can I have this moved to moding?


Offline Vasudan Admiral

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Down the bottom of the modview viewing area, you'll see an extra bar. Click and drag that up (or press ctrl+T) and you'll get a texture preview window. Under the status column header it will tell you if a texture is loaded or not, and where it's loaded from. Give that a check to see what modview is and isn't finding.

But even then, my point about the solid red areas still stands. Those parts will not appear in game no matter what you do in modview. You'll need to re-assign the appropriate textures and reconvert.

Oh, and slight correction to what I said before - the black areas that modelview is displaying are where modelview recognises that a texture SHOULD be there (unlike the red areas), but it either can't find, load or display it for whatever reason.

And finally, textures go in the maps directory - not the models. ;)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2007, 10:17:04 pm by Vasudan Admiral »
Get the 2014 Media VPs and report any bugs you find in them to the FSU Mantis so that we may squish them. || Blender to POF model conversion guide
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Offline Topgun

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OK, I got it now, for some reason or another my textures were renamed w/ a 1 at the end of the origanal name... I can't believe I did not catch that.


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Glad you got that sorted out, hope to see what it's looking like soon.
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