Community Projects > The FreeSpace Upgrade Project

Freespace Upgrade 4.7.x Discussion Thread

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--- Quote from: OptimusX on November 22, 2023, 02:09:34 am ---When attempting to play, I get "no executable was found for this mod."

Additionally, Blue Planet won't start up anymore.  I get "Launch Error with  FSO  Mod "FSO" >= 23.3.0-20231120" wasn't found!"

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I have the same problem here.
4.6.8 is working perfect.
I also downloaded the fs2_open 23.1.0 and copied the files into the FreeSpace 2 root.


I needed to Install the "MV_Compatibility" module to make it run.

Maybe this will help.


--- Quote from: Goober5000 on December 03, 2023, 02:34:25 am ---I'm not sure why the manual links aren't showing up on fsnebula, but Daft Mugi's NebWeb has them:

I've also added the 4.7.1 MVPs to the FSO Installer.

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I played with the latest version of the MVPs from the Installer (listed on the Installer as 4.7.1), but on the mainhall screen it lists them as Freespace Upgrade 4.7.0.  Usually the mainhall just shows a line about what build you're using (I was using official 23.2.1) but now there's a line above that that says what MVPs version one is using).


--- Quote from: CT27 on December 08, 2023, 05:43:33 pm ---I played with the latest version of the MVPs from the Installer (listed on the Installer as 4.7.1), but on the mainhall screen it lists them as Freespace Upgrade 4.7.0.  Usually the mainhall just shows a line about what build you're using (I was using official 23.2.1) but now there's a line above that that says what MVPs version one is using).
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The files on the Installer are exactly the same files as on Knossos.  I looked on Knossos and the MediaVPs there also say 4.7.0.  So the uploader neglected to update the main hall line for 4.7.1.

There's a minor error when playing with the new 4.7.X MVPs.  I encountered this on three different campaigns so far: (Shrouding The Light, The Lightning Marshall campaign series, and FS2 Blue).

What happens is that anytime I'm awarded a medal in debriefing...on the right side of the debriefing screen where it shows the medal you're awarded it always shows what I think is the FS2 SOC medal (a triangle with red, yellow, and blue, and a bird head in the middle).  It shows that even if the caption underneath reads for a different medal.  However, if I click on the link to go to the medal 'case', it shows the correct medals there.


--- Quote from: CT27 on January 05, 2024, 06:58:13 pm ---There's a minor error when playing with the new 4.7.X MVPs.  I encountered this on three different campaigns so far: (Shrouding The Light, The Lightning Marshall campaign series, and FS2 Blue).

What happens is that anytime I'm awarded a medal in debriefing...on the right side of the debriefing screen where it shows the medal you're awarded it always shows what I think is the FS2 SOC medal (a triangle with red, yellow, and blue, and a bird head in the middle).  It shows that even if the caption underneath reads for a different medal.  However, if I click on the link to go to the medal 'case', it shows the correct medals there.

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I have seen this problem too.  I noticed it on Renegade Resurgence


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