Hosted Projects - Standalone > Fate of the Galaxy News
We've been doing stuff, see?
FotG Carrack Test (HD!)
See? Activity!
Though the Freespace explosions just don't work for Star Wars capital ships.
Wow, that's fast-paced. Awesome stuff. :)
This looks REALLY exciting! I'm highly anticipating any sort of release of this mod - it's just amazing. The fast pacing really does make it feel very cinematic and straight out of the movies - my only complaint of what I saw in the clip is that the sensor dish on the carrack was spinning super fast - it probably could be slowed way down, or even set as a static.
I was only able to watch this on my phone though, as YouTube's blocked at work. I'll have to watch it again at home this evening to get a better view.
Great job! Keep up the good work!
The radar on that friendly cruiser is weird... But I like the vid :)
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