Off-Topic Discussion > Gaming Discussion
RIP Volition
I agree with Novachen - it was hardly a suprise after their last two releases failed to "find an audience". Add to that that the studio appears to have pigeon-holed themselves compared to the late 90s/early 2000s-era, where their output is semingly more fondly remembered, there probably wasn't a lifeline to be had with the investors.
It is sad to see that they did not go out on a high note.
Well this news is a bummer. Not like there was any real chance of FS3 coming out, but this is truly the nail in that coffin
I quite liked Saint's Row 4 and Gat out of Hell but I never bothered with their newer games.
I had a lot of fun with Saints Row 4 and Freespace is the reason I became a programmer and designer in the first place. I'm still sad they didn't keep going with Red Faction and all the destruction tech after they ran out of ideas for Saints Row. And I hope the folks who were still there land on their feet
I dug up ZylonBane's old Flash animation and converted it to video:
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