Author Topic: Distant ships invisible?  (Read 2271 times)

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Distant ships invisible?
I just played through the good old main campaign again and couldnt help but notice that in the later missions ("Into the lions den" and the last mission) the Sathanas which should be visible in the distance are not rendered. Even when i switch the camera over to them they stay invisible. Can anyone tell me if its supposed to be this way currently? Are there no fitting LODs or something like that or did i run into a bug?

Re: Distant ships invisible?
This is a relict of the retail freespace. In original game there is a special model of the sathanas for that mission. Back in 99 the computers were much weaker so the Vs decided to project these ships as a simple meshes which were not sathanases but were displayed on the radar as these ships. it looks that computers back then were not able to handle many of juggernaut models in the same time on the battlefield :D

Re: Distant ships invisible?
Try going from the main hall to Options - Detail, increase the model detail to maximum - IIRC, that improves LOD/rendering distances, and the default setting is not all that great.