Author Topic: RELEASE: wxLauncher 0.10.1 beta [Updated 2015/09/26]  (Read 786322 times)

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Offline Iss Mneur

  • 210
  • TODO:
RELEASE: wxLauncher 0.10.1 beta [Updated 2015/09/26]
    Announcing wxLauncher 0.10.1 beta

    wxLauncher is a cross-platform launcher for the FreeSpace 2 Open engine.  It is functionally equivalent to the Windows launcher.  wxLauncher is currently known to run on:
    • Windows (XP, Vista (x86/x64 RTM/SP1), and 7 (x86/x64 RTM/SP1) have been tested)
    • Linux (Ubuntu 09.10 x86/x64 have been tested).  For now, all Linux users will need to build from source.
    • OS X (Intel-only, 10.5 and up, 10.6.8 has been tested). Thank you jg18 (né Gay Vasudan)

    Please post any issues, comments, or questions in this thread.  All known issues can be found on the wxLauncher bug tracker, but a brief list is below. Please keep in mind that this is not feature complete and there are outstanding glitches (which is why we want feedback).

    Important Known Issues
    • Launcher does not read your current command line, so you will have to re-setup your command line before you launch FSO with wxLauncher.
    • wxL currently does not properly handle cases where the default font/font size is unusually large. Some text may be cut off in such cases.
    • There was an issue with the Wings of Dawn mod image's alpha channel that causes it not to appear.
    • [Windows] wxLauncher does not display AA or AF controls because FSO on windows does not support the feature
    • [Windows] wxLauncher does not set the correct screen resolutions.  This is fixed by 0.10.1, please upgrade.
    • [OS X] Right after you change profiles or select an FSO executable to use, the flag checkboxes on the Advanced Settings tab will not appear until you interact with the tab somehow, such as by clicking or scrolling on the list.
    • [OS X] The Activate and Info buttons don't always appear when you click on a mod. However, they are present and will work if you click on the space where they should be.
    • [OS X] On Lion, wxL's list of resolutions may include reasonable-sounding resolutions that do not appear in System Preferences >> Displays (such as 640x480), as well as unusual/odd resolutions, such as 840x524.
    • [OS X] With a debug build, you get a wxWidgets Debug Alert that says among other things can't set default encoding to wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT

    Windows users can download the installer from the downloads page of the wxLauncher website.  A debug installer can be found here if you are having trouble. Windows users can also download the source code from the downloads page.

    Debian Linux users can find us as freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher on Wheezy and Jesse.  Please be aware of the version that is packaged is may be different than the currently released version.

    Arch Linux users can find us as wxLauncher in the AUR.  Please be aware of the version that is packaged is may be different than the currently released version.

    Linux users can download a the source from the downloads page. At this time, most Linux users must build wxLauncher from source.  The ReadMe has the build instructions.  The ReadMe is also included in the source archive and will be for the version that you download.

    OS X users can download a .dmg disk image from the releases page of the wxLauncher website.  There is a debug disk image also on the releases page if you are having trouble.  OS X users may also wish to build wxLauncher from source; the ReadMe has the build instructions.  A source tarball is available from the releases page.

    If you have Diaspora R1 Patch 4 and below (1.0.4 and below). Why haven't you updated it yet?  See the release thread for the patches, download this .zip file of updated launcher resources and unzip it into your Diaspora folder. But really you should just update Diaspora, see the release thread

    Build instructions
    See the read me for build instructions and requirements.

    Change log
    0.10.1 fixes:
    • Windows - fix the where in the registry we write the settings
    • Detailed list is available here.
    0.10.0 fixes:
    • Many thanks to m!m the many contributions to this release including:
      • Windows - no more registry helper. Less things to go wrong!
      • Windows - Support for SDL on Windows antipodes builds.
      • All - Auto saving that actually works! Again!
    • Detailed list is available here.
    0.9.6 fixes:
    • Refined support for wxWidgets 2.8, wxWidgets 2.8 STL, and wxWidgets 3.0
    • Many thanks to @onlyjob for help with getting wxLauncher packaged on Debian Jessie and for improving our support for wxWidgets 3.0 with GCC (#117) and OpenALSoft (#118)
    • Details are available here
    0.9.5 fixes:
    • Support for wxWidgets 2.8, wxWidgets 2.8 STL, and wxWidgets 3.0
    • wxLauncher should deal better with OpenAL Soft
    • Various fixes for issues with CMake and plaform
    • Details are available here
    0.9.4 fixes:
    • Extended mod.ini support, including skin system
    • Toggle FRED launching with F3!
    • Details are in the 0.9.4 post.
    0.9.3 and 0.9.2 fixes
    • Special Limited editions for Diaspora
    0.9.1 fixes:
    • Support for the new sound code!
    • Details are in the 0.9.1 post.
    0.9.0 fixes:
    • All platforms now use the same code base
    • Major changes to the layout
    • Profile cloning
    • FRED launching
    • Lighting presets
    • Multiplayer on Windows works!
    • Details are in the 0.9.0 post.

    The official commit log can be viewed here.


    For Windows and OS X users, if you run into problems getting wxLauncher to run, download and install the launcher built in debug mode ("Downloads", above). Post or PM the log (which is located in %AppData%\wxLauncher\wxlauncher.log (Windows), ~/.wxlauncher/wxlauncher.log (Linux), or ~/Library/Application Support/wxlauncher (OS X; note the space in Application Support)).

    For Linux users, to build a debug version of wxLauncher, follow the build instructions as above, but when running CMake, ensure that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to Debug (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug).[/list]
    « Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 06:17:14 pm by Iss Mneur »
    "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -Douglas Adams
    wxLauncher 0.9.4 public beta (now with no config file editing for FRED) | wxLauncher 2.0 Request for Comments


    Offline karajorma

    • King Louie - Jungle VIP
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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    Profiles don't seem to either be saving or loading properly as loading in a previously saved profile results in no change for me.

    I made a whole bunch of objections on IRC which I'll type up later but overall this is looking pretty good so far. :yes:
    Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

    [ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


    Offline kkmic

    • 26
    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    Linux user can download the source from the downloads location on our website.  It has been tested on Ubuntu 9.10 and Slackware ???.

    That would be Slackware 13.0, 32 bit version

    Profiles don't seem to either be saving or loading properly as loading in a previously saved profile results in no change for me.

    We are aware of profiles not working properly. Should have been posted in the known issues list.
    As a workaround, stick with one profile only for testing other stuff.
    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments will be lost in time... like... tears... in rain. (pause) Time... to die.

    wxLauncher 0.9.4 Beta | wxLauncher 2.0 Request for Comments

    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    This looks very promising.  I'll keep on using it for now and hopefully won't hit showstoppers =)


    Offline kkmic

    • 26
    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    I'll keep on using it for now and hopefully won't hit showstoppers =)

    And when you do, make sure you let us know :D
    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments will be lost in time... like... tears... in rain. (pause) Time... to die.

    wxLauncher 0.9.4 Beta | wxLauncher 2.0 Request for Comments


    Offline The E

    • He's Ebeneezer Goode
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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    Very nice indeed. However, here are a few suggestions:

    There are several things going wrong here. Why is the feature list using a different (extremely ugly) font, and not the system default one? Why is the preset selector not rendered correctly? Why doesn't the current commandline text field show the entire current commandline, including the -mod arguments?

    The design here is very messed up, and needs to get cleaner. Controls and boxes rendered over one another are  :ick:

    On a more general note, the artwork, especially the big W M A B strip, is ugly. I would prefer a cleaner, slicker design like the one featured here:

    Oh, and the links on the Welcome page should probably be to the Hard-Light Wiki and the Hard-Light Forums. There are a few different FS2 forums out there, and even though HLP is the biggest, we are not the only ones :)
    While we're on the subject of links, please provide one to the Troubleshooting FAQ.


    The image retrieval code does not seem to be able to handle a nested mod folder structure. In this case, both "Blue Planet" and "Blue Planet 2" should show images, they don't.
    The folder structure looks like this:
    ---blueplanet -> For AoA
    ---blueplanet2 -> For Wih

    When using the mod.ini for one of the mod folders, the Launcher mangles the -mod argument beyond recognition:

    Code: [Select]
    FreeSpace version:
    Passed cmdline options:
      -mod blueplanetSVN,no_adv_radico,blueplanetSVNxtras
    adaricons,blueplanetSVN est_bp2,blueplanetSVNlueplanet2,blueplanetSVN est_bp,blueplanetSVNlueplanet,mediavps
    Building file index...
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\3610_Patch.vp' with a checksum of 0x07e72699
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\MV_Assets.vp' with a checksum of 0xc9e372bb
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\MV_Core.vp' with a checksum of 0x0dc7bb8f
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\MV_Effects.vp' with a checksum of 0xa3141c30
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\mv_music.vp' with a checksum of 0x4dbbbe96
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp' with a checksum of 0x84396e99
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-mission-pack.vp' with a checksum of 0x377695e0
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-voice-pack.vp' with a checksum of 0xd50e7442
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\root_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xce10d76c
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\smarty_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xddeb3b1e
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x164fe65a
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xa11d56f1
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\stu_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xd77da83a
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\tango1_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x4c25221e
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\tango2_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x86920b82
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\tango3_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x705e8d71
    Found root pack 'D:\FS2\warble_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xd85c305d
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\blueplanetSVN\' ... 103 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\no_adv_radico\' ... 0 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\blueplanetSVNxtras
    adaricons\' ... 0 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\blueplanetSVN est_bp2\' ... 0 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\blueplanetSVNlueplanet2\' ... 0 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\blueplanetSVN est_bp\' ... 0 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\blueplanetSVNlueplanet\' ... 0 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\mediavps\' ... 8 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\3610_Patch.vp' ... 180 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\MV_Assets.vp' ... 1810 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\MV_Core.vp' ... 146 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\MV_Effects.vp' ... 1046 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\mediavps\mv_music.vp' ... 32 files
    Searching root 'D:\FS2\' ... 56 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\FS2OGGcutscenepack.vp' ... 10 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-mission-pack.vp' ... 110 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\multi-voice-pack.vp' ... 307 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\root_fs2.vp' ... 157 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\smarty_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_fs2.vp' ... 3027 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' ... 1337 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\stu_fs2.vp' ... 2355 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\tango1_fs2.vp' ... 32 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\tango2_fs2.vp' ... 15 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\tango3_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
    Searching root pack 'D:\FS2\warble_fs2.vp' ... 52 files
    Found 26 roots and 10803 files.
    AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful...
    Setting language to English
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_strings-lcl.tbm' ...
    Initializing OpenAL...
      Using 'Generic Software' as OpenAL sound device...
      OpenAL Vendor     : Creative Labs Inc.
      OpenAL Renderer   : Software
      OpenAL Version    : 1.1

    ... OpenAL successfully initialized!
    Failed to init speech
    Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1024x768 with 32-bit color...
      Initializing WGL...
      Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 32, double-buffer: 1
      Actual WGL Video values    = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 32, double-buffer: 1
      OpenGL Vendor     : ATI Technologies Inc.
      OpenGL Renderer   : ATI Radeon Xpress 1200 Series 
      OpenGL Version    : 2.1.8544 Release

      Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression".
      Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc".
      Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine".
      Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array".
      Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object".
      Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap".
      Using extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle".
      Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map".
      Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_point_sprite".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_shading_language_100".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_shader_objects".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_shader".
      Using extension "GL_ARB_fragment_shader".
      Unable to find extension "GL_ATI_shader_texture_lod".
      Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT".

      Max texture units: 8 (8)
      Max elements vertices: 2147483647
      Max elements indices: 16384
      Max texture size: 2048x2048
      Can use compressed textures: YES
      Texture compression available: YES
      Using bilinear texture filter.
    ... OpenGL init is complete!
    Size of bitmap info = 760 KB
    Size of bitmap extra info = 52 bytes
    ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
    GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors...
    SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence...
    SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization...
    LUA: Opening LUA state...
    LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries...
    LUA: Beginning ADE initialization
    ADE: Initializing enumeration constants...
    ADE: Assigning Lua session...
    SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence....
    Wokka!  Error opening file (scripting.tbl)!
    TABLES: Unable to parse 'scripting.tbl'!  Error code = 5.
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'flak-sct.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'velindc-sct.tbm' ...
    SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete.
    SCRIPTING: Splash screen overrides checked
    SCRIPTING: Splash hook has been run
    SCRIPTING: Splash screen conditional hook has been run
    Using high memory settings...
    Wokka!  Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
    WMCGUI: Unable to parse 'interface.tbl'!  Error code = 5.
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-sdf.tbm' ...
    ANI 2_radar1 with size 209x170 (33.6% wasted)
    Windows reported 16 joysticks, we found 0
    Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_music-mus.tbm' ...
    Wokka!  Error opening file (armor.tbl)!
    TABLES: Unable to parse 'armor.tbl'!  Error code = 5.
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wxp.tbm' ...
    BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 64 frames at 30 fps.
    BMPMAN: Found EFF (ExpMissileHit1.eff) with 44 frames at 30 fps.
    BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp05.eff) with 47 frames at 20 fps.
    BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp06.eff) with 48 frames at 20 fps.
    BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp04.eff) with 37 frames at 20 fps.
    BMPMAN: Found EFF (Maxim_Impact.eff) with 23 frames at 30 fps.
    ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wep.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_tech-wep.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_models-wep.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_trails-shp.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_dragon-shp.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_density-shp.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_models-shp.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_tech-shp.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_escort-hdg.tbm' ...
    TBM  =>  Starting parse of 'mv_effects-str.tbm' ...
    loading animated cursor "cursor"
    ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
    Ships.tbl is : VALID
    Weapons.tbl is : VALID
    cfile_init() took 1517
    Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
    ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
    Frame  0 too long!!: frametime = 0.421 (0.421)
    Freeing all existing models...
    ... Log closed, Fri Feb 05 11:18:51 2010

    This is the mod.ini used:

    Code: [Select]

    # modname:       Display name only, so you can have spaces instead of underscores for multi word MOD's
    # image255x112:  Location of a 255x112 bmp you wish to display in the launcher
    # infotext:      Text that will appear in the launcher
    # website:       Link to your website
    # forum:         Link to your forum
    modname      = Blue Planet SVN;
    infotext     = no_advanced;
    website      =;
    forum        =,169.0.html;
    primarylist  = blueplanetSVN;
    secondarylist = blueplanetSVN\extras\radaricons,blueplanetSVN\test_bp2,blueplanetSVN\blueplanet2,blueplanetSVN\test_bp,blueplanetSVN\blueplanet,mediavps;
    « Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 04:21:59 am by The E »
    If I'm just aching this can't go on
    I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
    There must be changes, miss to feel strong
    I really need lifе to touch me
    --Evergrey, Where August Mourns


    Offline kkmic

    • 26
    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    Keep 'em coming! The bug reports I mean  :p

    @The E: Please note that kinky word in the topic title: alpha  :nod:

    That means that there is still work to do until the launcher reaches the "features implementation complete" stage - and the start of beta.

    The WMBAI images are, of course, placeholders. We have an artist working on some icons, but we have no ETA from him ATM.

    As for the nested folder structure, we haven't planned for this. That's probably why the launcher mangles up the -mod flag.

    So here comes the stupid question: is the current launcher able to handle nested folder mods? While I expect a "Yes" answer, I thought it won't hurt to ask anyway. :p
    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments will be lost in time... like... tears... in rain. (pause) Time... to die.

    wxLauncher 0.9.4 Beta | wxLauncher 2.0 Request for Comments


    Offline The E

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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    Yep, the Launcher handles those structures just fine. Except in cases where the commandline gets too long, of course.

    And I noticed tha Alpha in the title, but ignored it  :p.
    If I'm just aching this can't go on
    I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
    There must be changes, miss to feel strong
    I really need lifе to touch me
    --Evergrey, Where August Mourns


    Offline Bobboau

    • Just a MODern kinda guy
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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    /*looks at feature list*/
    /*notices will be available under all platforms*/
    /*wipes tear from eye*/
    Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
    learn to use PCS
    creator of the ProXimus Procedural Texture and Effect Generator
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    Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together


    Offline Aardwolf

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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    Installer screws up royally if I try to put it in C:\Games\wxLauncher... the launcher can't find the splash screen, then keels over dead. Works fine if I install it to the default place, though.

    This is on Windows 7 (Premium)


    Offline Zacam

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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    Looking through the code package, I have a few suggestions. They might be annoying and you might not like re-doing a lot of stuff, but:

    Organization. Separate the code files for each of the distinctive tabs/etc into sub-folders with a defined folder for anything global and another for any includes. Just having it all sitting in the root of /code/ can make it interesting to situate which file does what, often despite the fact that they have fairly clarifying names to them.

    This way, expansion on existing features can take place with additional files with sub-folders or the primary Global folder. It will also make for situating various "project" environment files easier.
    Report MediaVP issues, now on the MediaVP Mantis! Read all about it Here!
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    "If you can keep a level head in all this confusion, you just don't understand the situation"


    [08/01 16:53:11] <sigtau> EveningTea: I have decided that I am a 32-bit registerkin.  Pronouns are eax, ebx, ecx, edx.
    [08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
    [08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
    [08/01 16:53:40] * EveningTea froths at the mouth
    [08/01 16:53:40] <sigtau> i broke him, boys

    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    A way to group and filter the list of mods would be nice too.  Like a textbox, for example, where I can type in "BL" and then the list would only show mods that contain "BL" (with different priorities: name starting > name contains > description starting > description contains).

    Another idea would be a Multiplayer page which would let people see who's waiting for a game and/or is logged in.  At the very least a 2.0 (if not 3.0 lol) idea but might as well dream big.


    Offline Bobboau

    • Just a MODern kinda guy
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      And MODest too
    • 213
    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    I have not looked at the source but from what I see in the executable you need to use sizers, it will make your interface a lot cleaner and dynamic.

    also make the play button a lot bigger and prominent.
    « Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 08:08:55 pm by Bobboau »
    Bobboau, bringing you products that work... in theory
    learn to use PCS
    creator of the ProXimus Procedural Texture and Effect Generator
    My latest build of PCS2, get it while it's hot!
    PCS 2.0.3

    Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, [as] of woollen and linen together


    Offline karajorma

    • King Louie - Jungle VIP
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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    How exactly is skinning supposed to work? Create a resources directory in the game's folder?
    Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

    [ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


    Offline Iss Mneur

    • 210
    • TODO:
    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha

    There are several things going wrong here. Why is the feature list using a different (extremely ugly) font, and not the system default one? Why is the preset selector not rendered correctly? Why doesn't the current commandline text field show the entire current commandline, including the -mod arguments?
    The font is because it was reverted so that it is working, but it will have a much better presentation when finished.

    Oh, and the links on the Welcome page should probably be to the Hard-Light Wiki and the Hard-Light Forums. There are a few different FS2 forums out there, and even though HLP is the biggest, we are not the only ones :)
    While we're on the subject of links, please provide one to the Troubleshooting FAQ.
    The URL of the Troubleshooting FAQ is?  I was only aware of gamewarden as being the only other active FS2 site, though at that this launcher is specific to the SCP's FS2Open.

    The image retrieval code does not seem to be able to handle a nested mod folder structure. In this case, both "Blue Planet" and "Blue Planet 2" should show images, they don't.
    The folder structure looks like this:
    ---blueplanet -> For AoA
    ---blueplanet2 -> For Wih

    When using the mod.ini for one of the mod folders, the Launcher mangles the -mod argument beyond recognition:

    This is the mod.ini used:

    Code: [Select]

    # modname:       Display name only, so you can have spaces instead of underscores for multi word MOD's
    # image255x112:  Location of a 255x112 bmp you wish to display in the launcher
    # infotext:      Text that will appear in the launcher
    # website:       Link to your website
    # forum:         Link to your forum
    modname      = Blue Planet SVN;
    infotext     = no_advanced;
    website      =;
    forum        =,169.0.html;
    primarylist  = blueplanetSVN;
    secondarylist = blueplanetSVN\extras\radaricons,blueplanetSVN\test_bp2,blueplanetSVN\blueplanet2,blueplanetSVN\test_bp,blueplanetSVN\blueplanet,mediavps;
    I was not aware that FSO even supported paths in the -mod line.

    Installer screws up royally if I try to put it in C:\Games\wxLauncher... the launcher can't find the splash screen, then keels over dead. Works fine if I install it to the default place, though.

    This is on Windows 7 (Premium)
    I have not been able to reproduce this using the installer from the downloads page.  Can you please list your procedure how you got to this error?

    Looking through the code package, I have a few suggestions. They might be annoying and you might not like re-doing a lot of stuff, but:

    Organization. Separate the code files for each of the distinctive tabs/etc into sub-folders with a defined folder for anything global and another for any includes. Just having it all sitting in the root of /code/ can make it interesting to situate which file does what, often despite the fact that they have fairly clarifying names to them.

    This way, expansion on existing features can take place with additional files with sub-folders or the primary Global folder. It will also make for situating various "project" environment files easier.
    Reorgainzing the code layout has been considered, but at this time I do not see the benefit especially with the names of the files.

    A way to group and filter the list of mods would be nice too.  Like a textbox, for example, where I can type in "BL" and then the list would only show mods that contain "BL" (with different priorities: name starting > name contains > description starting > description contains).
    Hmm, interesting idea.

    Another idea would be a Multiplayer page which would let people see who's waiting for a game and/or is logged in.  At the very least a 2.0 (if not 3.0 lol) idea but might as well dream big.
    Does multi-player even have support for this type of thing?  Nevertheless, it is defiantly something for the future.

    I have not looked at the source but from what I see in the executable you need to use sizers, it will make your interface a lot cleaner and dynamic.

    also make the play button a lot bigger and prominent.
    We are using sizers (everywhere actually) , which is why some of the elements are so flattened against each other as the sizers do not have any boarders set.  What specifically were you thinking was not done with sizers?

    How exactly is skinning supposed to work? Create a resources directory in the game's folder?
    The mod.ini and the tc's mod.ini ( a mod.ini in the root of the TC folder) are supposed to configure the launcher's skin (mostly just the icons, fonts and colours), but this support is not implemented so, currently the only way to reskin is to change the resources in the launchers resource folder and/or making changes to the defaults in SkinSystem.cpp.
    "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -Douglas Adams
    wxLauncher 0.9.4 public beta (now with no config file editing for FRED) | wxLauncher 2.0 Request for Comments


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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    The URL of the Troubleshooting FAQ is?  I was only aware of gamewarden as being the only other active FS2 site, though at that this launcher is specific to the SCP's FS2Open.

    I think I just lost a bit of my will to live. If even reasonable people who are actively working on the project don't know this........

    As for other site, well, there's sectorgame and, for example.

    I was not aware that FSO even supported paths in the -mod line.

    Surprised me as well. However, for projects in development, like the mediavps or Blue Planet, this ability is essential. On that note, a conversion to the different path signifier formats (/ on *nix, \ on Win) is necessary.
    If I'm just aching this can't go on
    I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
    There must be changes, miss to feel strong
    I really need lifе to touch me
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    Re: Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.0 public alpha
    The URL of the Troubleshooting FAQ is?  I was only aware of gamewarden as being the only other active FS2 site, though at that this launcher is specific to the SCP's FS2Open.

    I think I just lost a bit of my will to live. If even reasonable people who are actively working on the project don't know this........

    As for other site, well, there's sectorgame and, for example.
    It seems I was aware of the FAQ, but for some reason did not register the name.

    I will have to check out the other sites.

    Also I have posted a new revision of the launcher fixing a couple of the glaring bugs/ommisions.  Links in original post have been updated, but I have not posted update source.

    • the commandline box on the advanced settings page now displays everything.
    • launcher now should find mod images within nested mod folders
    • Running the launcher directly without using the shortcut in the start menu has been resolved (thanks Zacam and Aardwolf)
    "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -Douglas Adams
    wxLauncher 0.9.4 public beta (now with no config file editing for FRED) | wxLauncher 2.0 Request for Comments

    Re: [Updated Feb 6, 2010] Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.1 public alpha
    Uninstalled 0.7.0.  Installed 0.7.1.

    Got these errors when trying to launch it:

    Seems the problem is that the Startup Folder is set to "C:\Program Files (x86)\wxLauncher" instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\wxLauncher\bin"

    Incidentally, I've noticed that FSO looked different with this launcher and it was because the previous launcher had put "-ambient_factor 35 -ogl_spec 20 -spec_exp 15 -spec_point 1.2 -spec_static 1.5 -spec_tube 1.5" automatically into the extra command line arguments.  Is this an actual recommended default?  Is there an recommended default?
    « Last Edit: February 06, 2010, 01:34:05 am by ChronoReverse »


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    Re: [Updated Feb 6, 2010] Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.1 public alpha
    Yeah, one of the 0.7.1 fixes was the ability to launch the launcher directly. And we forgot to modify the shortcuts paths accordingly.

    Add the \bin to the path as a temp fix

    It will be fixed in the next testing release

    Add the custom flags you mentioned by hand in the custom flags list. Se how this works for you.
    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those... moments will be lost in time... like... tears... in rain. (pause) Time... to die.

    wxLauncher 0.9.4 Beta | wxLauncher 2.0 Request for Comments

    Re: [Updated Feb 6, 2010] Announcing wxLauncher 0.7.1 public alpha
    They work fine, but since (I've found out from Zacam on IRC) these are "recommended" by the Wiki based on commentary by the folks who best set the engine defaults, I'm thinking they could be included somehow in the new launcher.