Author Topic: Feedback!  (Read 1892 times)

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Offline Stealth

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Longtime member here, some of you may remember me. 
Although I haven't played FS in years, I've still got a dozen or more unopened copies of FS2 in the attic above the garage :)  Played many hundreds and (possibly even) thousands of hours of FS1 back in the day, moving up the PXO ladder with some of the greats.  When FS2 came out, I didn't have a computer that could play it well enough, so I stuck with dominating in FS :)

Even though back in the day I helped (to a limited extend) with the SCP (coordinating all the beta testers), I've been out of it for a good 10 or more years, and I struggled through getting it installed and running.

However, once I figured it out, I had a BLAST playing through the campaign with the 2014 media VPs.

The game is as modern as any game I've played, and doesn't feel outdated at ALL

Seriously can't express my commendation enough.  The engine is a work of art.  The shadows and reflections of the lasers along the ships, the model quality, everything is just incredible. 

Great, great job to everyone involved.  I can't even verbalize how proud I am to be a part of this community.  There is no other game out there that has a community this strong, nor one that has accomplished so much.


Offline jr2

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I remember you.  Car aficionado, someone faked your death in a car crash after they took over your account.  Right?  Or was that someone else and I'm just confused? 

Anyways, wanna see what's up-and-coming?

Check out the Knossos combined Installer / Launcher Public Beta from FS2 Open Tools

Sneak peak: