Hard Light Productions Forums

Hosted Projects - Standalone => Wing Commander Saga => Topic started by: Phenix on December 21, 2007, 09:05:09 am

Title: final game - difficulty question
Post by: Phenix on December 21, 2007, 09:05:09 am
hi I was playing Saga the other day.
Playing on NORMAL difficulty, I think enemy figters are moderately difficult to destroy (not to difficult though).  But there is one problem....SWARMS.
When you engage the enemy, usually its you and your wingman against something like 10 figters. The difficulty of the mission is only at the beginnig, because you are heavily outnumberd. This is expecilally my case since i don't have a joystick. This is a bit unrealistic, expecially becase your wingman are dumb as stones (can't even lock a single torpedo on a cpship), so you have to (unrealistic) kill most of the enemy fighters alone...rambo-stile :D  And because there are so many fighters, many times you end up dead.

I was wondering....since you can't upgrade the program AI code, wouldn't be more realistic to make missions with less enemy figters, but more skilled? This would be more realistic, and it would b easyer to manage the battle. When my wingman calls for help, I am usually shooting at 1 aircraft while evading 4 others...so I have no way to really help him......
And another thing. I know many of you are uber-fans of WC who play it so much you every aspect of the game, but I think it is better to make missions as cinematic as possible, instead of ultra-difficult (just look at half life 2).  I noticed this expecially in the missions fans made for WC Saga...some of them are very nice, but veeeeeryyy difficult and frustrating on normal difficulty.

Please tell me what you think difficulty should be in saga
Title: Re: final game - difficulty question
Post by: Vidmaster on December 21, 2007, 11:10:40 am
hey, I prefer full keyboard above anything, anyday  :)

I actually think the fighters are still too easy (on medium, I know they get MUCH better when increasing difficulty) but the capships are way to strong. Even on easy !
You see? Everybody has a differend opinion and some here actually like challenges ;)

Nevertheless, wait until somebody of the Team drops in.
Title: Re: final game - difficulty question
Post by: Tolwyn on December 21, 2007, 12:59:31 pm
Well, you should download the Wing Commander 4 demo. That missions should show you the direction in which Saga is currently heading. It should be also mentioned, that the WC4 demo incorporates a few balancing tweaks (mostly missile usage related).

Capital ships are generally fairly difficult to destroy, but it is intentional! Fighters on the other hand: we try to avoid situations in which a player has to face more than 2 enemies at once. Of course, it also depends on the ship you are flying - an Excalibur is so powerful (and has autoaim) that there is not much sense in having just a few fighters in a mission. They simply do not pose much of a threat.
Title: Re: final game - difficulty question
Post by: FlashFire on December 22, 2007, 01:52:33 am
Hm... note to self... remember to check difficulty setting when play testing missions...