General FreeSpace > Blue Planet Multi
Player Capship Gameplay and Mechanics
Well, if you want to know, nanojumping is more or less what the RTS script is all about.
Gonna use red for responding to each individual point, but remember, each ship can have 3-4, depending on how many available buttons we can find.
--- Quote from: bigchunk1 on June 03, 2011, 02:44:25 pm ---Sanctus: (Ideas Hades mentioned are good)
Active Sealent: Armor type gets a temporary buff
Eh, I dunno. Could overpower it even more than it already is to TEV cruisers, and cruisers were meant to be support ships to corvettes or frigates, honestly.
Long ranged ordinance: Sanctus' Warhammers get temporarily swapped with Apocalypse#Narayana which has 12000m range.
Basically what cargo utilization is. Makes the weapons
Signal lasers: disables all beam weaponry a given distance from the activating ship for a given amount of time.
Ugh, I dunno, if it's a TVT like 1 corvetee + 2 cruisers against 1 frigate + 2 cruisers this could be a bit overpowering.
Thruster coolent reserves: recharges afterburner energy instantly.
I like this one. It's really a lot more useful than just armor or weapon upgrades, since the Sanctus, with my balancing, is meant to be slow, as the Aeolus and Hyperion cruisers are mincemeat for it, even with its weakish weaponry. Although I think something more like infinite afterburner capacity for, maybe, eight seconds could work better.
Fire mission: All gauss cannons and mass drivers fire instantly when this ability is used.
Hrm. Could be tricky to use.
Jam their signal!: Makes the Narayana untargetable by enemies for a short duration.
Really has no gameplay effect unless you make it so turrets can't target nor fire upon the Narayana.
Recalibrate Sensors: Repairs the Sensor subsystem.
...What's this for? Just have it be an overall generic repair, like for all of the ships, that repairs everything.
Edit: Just thought of another ability.
Reactor Polarity: Overloads the reactor to cause a massive EMP shockwave which radiates outward from center of the activating ship. Scrambles the targeting of the activating ship as well as others around it. Useful for desperate situations.
Again, scrambling targeting is useless without making it so turrets can't target nor fire on other ships.
--- End quote ---
Not sure how setting kamikaze to a player ship would work, but a Ramming Speed power would be useful for cruisers on their last legs.
Chimera and Bellerophon both scream for a "kill movement, main guns go rapid fire" ability
They don't - they're way too overkill as-is.
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