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Should the Colossus have jumped out?

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In the mission where the Colossus got destroyed, Command first ordered the Colossus to get out of there before it got destroyed by the Sathanas.

Sometimes the Colossus was marked as disabled, but sometimes it wasn't.  For the sake of argument and for the sake of this thread, let's assume the Colossus would have been able to jump out if it wanted.

Should the CO of the Colossus have jumped out when Command ordered him to...or did he make the right decision in staying behind (his argument was he was trying to buy time for the Bastion to get through)?

Trivial Psychic:
They should've pulled a 'Holden' maneuver, and kamikaze-jumped into the Sathanas.

Shivan Hunter:
The main thing that needs to be mentioned here - and I've just replayed the mission to make sure - is that all the dialogue is written as if the Sathanas destroyed the Collie in minutes (Petrarch specifically says this), when in actuality the Collie gets destroyed in seconds. Just like with the Pheonicia, the sacrifice doesn't/wouldn't buy much time at all, and it feels like both sets of dialogue were written by someone who didn't realize just how quickly the Sath could kill things (possible rebalance during development?)

I agree with SH here - dialogues and text just don't match the actual power of BFRed beams as they are shown ingame. Also, the fact that it was disabled isn't even mentioned, IIRC.

The main issue here is that :v: wanted the Colossus to die at that point as a sign that hope was fading away. It should have definitely jumped out and joined other GTVA forces trying to cover the retreat. In fact, what the CO did (we don't even know his name) is questionable.

IIRC, there's a whole waypoint path and associated events for the Colossus in the mission file that never play out because it's disabled. It feels like something wasn't working right and :v: disabled it as a last-second fix.


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