Author Topic: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging  (Read 111606 times)

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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Also curious: Is there any reason to keep older versions of mods lying around in my install library of Knossos? Do mods rely on specific versions as dependencies or simply check for the latest version? I'd like to clean up some of the excess if possible.
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Offline TopAce

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Dependencies are set by the mod's uploader. I can be either a specific version (which must be on Knossos as well in order to set the option properly) or simply require the latest. From my experience, it's mostly the former. They're usually main release builds (21.2.0 official for example). Ideally, the uploader/"caretaker" of the old mod is aware there can be errors simply by selecting the best and brightest build for and old campaign, and made sure the mod and its dependencies are compatible. If not, then you're likely to run into problems. Some may be odd behavior, but showstoppers as well.

As far as MediaVPs go, they're the same thing. Except in this case, having many different MediaVPs versions around for the lots and lots of mods you have will eat up more of your HD space than you may prefer.   
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Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Advisory, advisory: there is a bug in recent nightlies that makes locking onto Sathanas' upper main beam cannons with missiles impossible. From what I've gathered, this should get fixed in today's nightly so I think you should update once again before the stream, or just do Bearbaiting and the following mission with the use of 21.2 stable.
How do you kill a hydra?

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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I'll keep an eye on this. Could you keep me posted after the nightly drops if the issue has been resolved? If I don't hear feedback before tomorrow, I'll probably just run off of 21.2.0
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Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Looks like the nightly build with the fix has just been committed, it should be available in Knossos in a moment. Not sure if I'll have the time for a quick test before the stream.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.


Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
The nightly is available now and a quick test suggests all is fine now.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.


Offline Colt

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Timestamps! Also a bit of a warning, but I just noticed that I goofed with last weeks' timestamps. I listed missions 11-20 as 1-10.  :nervous:

Hidden Text: Show
0:02:00 - Pre-Stream Banter
0:07:24 - Mission #21: Bearbaiting
0:08:57 - BEAM
0:48:06 - Mission #22: High Noon
0:57:45 - Cutscene: Bosch Monologue 4
0:59:30 - Mission #23: Return to Babel
1:20:40 - Mission #24: Straight, No Chaser
1:28:19 - OH LAWD SHE COMIN'
1:30:45 - Mission #25: Argonautica
1:50:46 - SOC Mission #4: As Lightning Fall
2:18:56 - SOC Mission #5: Into the Lion's Den
2:24:05 - Snipes says the line!
2:48:51 - Mission #26: Exodus
3:33:01 - Mission #27: Dunkerque
3:52:09 - Mission #28: Their Finest Hour
4:11:48 - Mission #29: Clash of the Titans II
4:28:14 - Cutscene: Bastion Dies
4:29:17 - Mission #30: Apocalypse
4:43:52 - Cutscene: Endgame
4:46:17 - Cutscene: FreeSpace 2 Ending (Alpha 1 stays behind)
4:47:35 - Post-Stream Banter


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Thanks again, Colt! I went ahead and changed those. Don't feel bad about it, I waited way too long to put the timestamps on the previous stream and didn't notice until I was touching up the one we just did, and then i went and confused myself on the YouTube Studio interface and put them on the wrong video like, 3 times.

Also, while playing through FreeSpace 2 to brush up on my play before next week, I decided to push myself to the limit and try to earn some medals, but also to do some investigation into behind the scenes behavior. So without further ado...

  • Mystery of the Trinity: Kappa Wing despawns without a message (*pop!*) the moment that Zeta 1 says, "All bandits are down, Command. Area secure." upon defeating the first wing of Manticores in the nebula. As has already been stated elsewhere, Kappa and Iota immediately wander off about 1000m from the Aquitane to float around like idiots doing nothing of value. At the very least, it would have been nice to have them continue to fly in a straight line at a trajectory that increases the distance between you and them, since you can follow them and watch them without losing Zeta within the first two minutes of the mission. Immersion breaking. :P
  • Mystery of the Trinity: The Discovery can actually survive this mission, even if the Trinity is blown up. Without invulnerability is hard to tell, since the Trinity's explosion alone may be enough to kill it. However, it does have orders to fly a few 100 meters and then warp back to base once it is no longer docked with the Trinity, so that's an interesting tidbit. Even if you destroy all Dragons (30 total in Cancer wing!) and "save" the Discovery, no mention of either is made in debriefing. You can pat yourself on the back though if you somehow manage it. I forgot to make note of precisely when the Aquitane pops out of existence. Iota eventually returns to assist in the Trinity defense.
  • The Great Hunt: The enemy fighter distribution is... weird on this mission. In most missions, wave after wave of enemies will be deployed to stop your objectives up to a point, with a new wing coming in to replace one you've destroyed. In this mission, after a certain point when Virgo, Libra, and (I believe) Leo are eliminated, a full minute can pass with no enemy escort, and when a ship does arrive, it's part of a new wing, completely by itself. A single ship arrives representing Sagittarius, Aries, and so on.
  • (more to come!)

Also, I recorded a thing:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 01:44:50 am by redmagejoe »
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Offline spart_n

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Another addition to the recommended mods (Mind you, didnt finish myself): Frontlines! Takes place before the events of Freespace 1, so during the Terran-Vasudan War. My experience was a difficulty hellscape but that's due to the limitations of the era it's based on.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Added. I think I've got my timeline more or less right. Does anyone have anything to say about The Great War: Vasudan Imperium? Also, I could use some "yays" or "nays" on Bem Cavalgar, SHMUPspace, and Windmills in terms of quality/enjoyability. I understand they're fundamentally different experiences, and I'd like to show off people's passion projects, but I'd also like to be sure it's something not only I would enjoy, but that people would enjoy watching.
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Offline Strygon

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
SHMUPspace is quite tricky but if you have any degree of experience with sidescrolling shooters you should be fine. Windmills seems more like both a tech demo and psychological not-quite-horror-but-it-gets-you-thinking kind of thing, which makes it a bit of a wildcard on whether it'll actually be good streaming material or not.
Makes missions sometimes.
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[23:22] strypolygon: andrew
[23:22] strypolygon: i have one favor to ask of you
[23:22] strypolygon: never try speaking german again
[23:23] Andrewofdoom: No.

[18:50] 島風改八百三: the duck has multipli
[18:50] 島風改八百三: many duck
[18:50] 島風改八百三: left side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: even side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: handle it

[21:34] MP-Ryan: Why on earth would you Google this
[21:34] The_E: why would you not

[06:46] Strigon: how big is a mini-campaign again?
[06:46] Asteroth: smaller than a campaign
[06:47 ]Strigon: thanks

[05:56] Strigon: If I had to take a shot for each time I randomly decided to change the UI sounds, I'd have died of alcohol poisoning by now

[17:36] qazwsxal: time to have some fun
[17:41] z64555: VC++5 is not my idea of fun

[EatThePath] do your missiles do anything absurd?
[Strigon] describe absurd
[Strigon] the entire mod is absurd


Offline spart_n

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
SHMUPspace would be pretty neat to show off, if just to say 'i cant believe ths is FSO!' - Yay
windmills is far too short and far too disconnected for good stream material - Nay
i havent played bem cavalgar but ive heard decent takes on it


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Updated first post. Mito suggested those three, so I'm curious how he feels about the streamability. I'm sure Windmills is something I should play just for the experience off-stream, so maybe I'll do that at some point if it doesn't turn out to be stream-worthy.
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Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Out of these three, Windmills is actually the only one I've played in any capacity, but that was a really long time ago, so very blurry memories. Generally, it's what happens when someone wishes to make a real time strategy game in Freespace engine and universe, mostly using the communications menu to interact. Might be pretty boring for a stream, but I think you could at some point make one stream about how people bent FSO as far as crossing the genre borders, starring Windmills, too. But I think you should give it a play before that happens, maybe you'll find something fun in it that I didn't, or that I just forgot about over that time.

While I didn't play SHUMPspace, from what I've seen about it, it might be decent stream material, given its shoot-em-up nature. I think it's also pretty short, so it might be a part of some combo stream?

As for Bem Cavalgar, from what I know about it, it's one of these deadly serious campaigns that actually give you a capacity to make imporant choices, with a bunch of moral grayscale. For example, you can either go and secure resources to replenish your dwindling weapons accessibility, or save a civilian convoy fleeing from a fleet of murderous Shivans. Which one do you choose?

If it reads like I've got nothing specific on these, that's because I don't. My interactions were either non-existant or too far back to recall. So I'm looking forward to seeing these in your streams at some point too.
How do you kill a hydra?

You starve it to death.


Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
I read some 2017 complaints about Bem Cavalgar, and see the last update on it was 2018. I'll try playing it a bit off-stream to see if this issues still exist, as I wouldn't want to feature a tedious campaign with high TTK on stream and put people to sleep. I will also test Windmills off-stream, and I've added SHMUPSpace to the list.

EDIT: Off to a good start. Last update on Windmills was almost 3 years ago, so...

Aaaaaaaaand crash. Couldn't load GTF Myrmidon. I guess we're NOT playing Windmills. That should probably be removed from Knossos pending a fix/cleanup. Does anyone have any info on what about Warzone is bugged, or would it be fine to add to the list?

Unrelated question: By choosing to pick up the remixed music for the FSPort, does it replace all the classic enhanced music in missions, or does one have to choose a setting somewhere... Or are they intermingled and used at different times within the same campaign? I usually untick remix in mod installs, but I chose to modify the FSPort MediaVP to download the remixes, then noticed that Fortress played in Eve of Destruction when the Vasudans jumped in, rather than the remix I've listened to on YouTube. Not complaining, just curious specifically how the remixed music is used, if it's on a mod-by-mod basis or somesuch.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 11:28:48 pm by redmagejoe »
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Offline Admiral Nelson

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Hi there, I authored both the Windmills and Warzone fixes.  I can see that the errors with Windmills seem to be coming not from Windmills itself but from sound tables in the old version of the MediaVPs the Knossos version is associated with.  At some point SCP became stricter in compliing tables, so Windmills will probably work with an older SCP build.  Although I made the last release of Windmills, I didn't upload it to Knossos, so I don't have access to it there to review in detail.

I do have a fixed version of Warzone that has a few bits of feedback I haven't had time to finish.  If you would like to play that one I can give you access to that dev version.  The feedback I have left on it is really small and shouldn't impact the gameplay much.
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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Hey there, Admiral Nelson! Love your work on Silent Threat: Reborn. :)

I'd love to add Warzone to my list, so whatever build is available for play. Though given when Warzone happens on the timeline, I probably won't get to it specifically for a few months at least, so whatever finishing touches are needed for a stable release will probably be done by the time I pick it up.

Also, Su-Tehp responded to my reaching out and says he was just thinking of picking up development on Exile again after finishing with another project that had his time and attention. Based on the given timeline and his ETA, I can probably be playing the rewritten version of Exile by the time it comes around in the stream schedule sometime early next year.
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Offline Admiral Nelson

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
OK, I'll take the time to fix the few issues left with Warzone properly.

Meanwhile, ngld kindly gave me access to the Knossos version of Windmills.  I have fixed the issue you noticed, so feel free to give it a try.
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Offline redmagejoe

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
So I spent about an hour on Windmills, and... yeah... It's certainly interesting. Avant garde in a way. But I don't think it would make very good stream material. Incredibly quiet, hauntingly so, and it could become tedious.

I definitely admire the experimental approach, I just think it's something a player would enjoy, but not an audience. I'll play through it at least.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: Props to Passionate Community + Shameless Stream Plugging
Does anyone have anything to say about The Great War: Vasudan Imperium?

It's FS1 from the Vasudan perspective.  It's pretty good, but only the first third of the campaign is complete.

Unrelated question: By choosing to pick up the remixed music for the FSPort, does it replace all the classic enhanced music in missions, or does one have to choose a setting somewhere... Or are they intermingled and used at different times within the same campaign? I usually untick remix in mod installs, but I chose to modify the FSPort MediaVP to download the remixes, then noticed that Fortress played in Eve of Destruction when the Vasudans jumped in, rather than the remix I've listened to on YouTube. Not complaining, just curious specifically how the remixed music is used, if it's on a mod-by-mod basis or somesuch.

If you download the remix pack AND the enhanced music pack, they will conflict with one another and you might get inconsistent results.  Pick one or the other.  (The new version of Knossos under development will have a "pick only one option" feature.)