While the internal forums start to come to life in this board, the outside observers and those directly interested in the project might be wondering what direction needs to be taken so that Starshatter can further evolve and mature in the years to come. The internal board may also be wondering about this as well...
...So, an open discussion is in order. That said, let's begin..

First, Starshatter is a pretty stable, good game just as it is. Vanilla FreeSpace was like that, too. Heck, I can even play FS1 and FS2 just as they are (or were) from my GOG download. But, those, just like Starshatter, were not without their problems and limitations. The current build of Starshatter, as we are distributing (correct me if mistaken), is 5.0.5. This build was released by the game's author and tweaked/re-compiled by The_E, and omits the need for a serial key to run. Unfortunately, it also breaks multiplayer. That said, this is probably the first pertinent task at hand for Starshatter Open.
After fixing the articles which are directly and obviously broken... things become grey. Starshatter uses DirectX 9. I think most of this board is in favor of OpenGL, as it is far more flexible with multiple platforms, and seems to be the graphics format that most coders are comfortable with around here. Moving to OpenGL will certainly expand the user base of Starshatter, and I'd like to think that anything with DX9 you could do then or now, you could do even better with OpenGL.
And then there are tools and documentation...
And then there are matters of game physics and AI - what do we do here? Making a fork in the code base is probably not a bad option, because the old, retail game may not cooperate well with actual Newtonian physics, or an improved AI or campaign system. Starshatter has a lot of potential...
...But it's probably best to start slow, and fix the broad issues first.