Author Topic: Having trouble with Mission Editor  (Read 3815 times)

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Having trouble with Mission Editor
     I'm trying to create a mission where you start inside the Carrier launch rail with your Fighter and go through launch procedures. None of the missions I downloaded have that feature. You either can only play as a Cap ship, or you play as a fighter that is already in space.
     I've tried setting the Element details to the proper config and when the mission starts, I am literally in the center of the Carrier model and have no control over anything. Keyboard does not work, no commands work, nothing. I always have to ctrl+alt+del to end Starshatter.
     Curiously, when I begin in space as a fighter everything works like a normal mission would. Also, the stock missions are not Editable (the Edit button is greyed out for them).
     I am currently running the Reborn Mod. Thanks.

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
It took me a while to find the solution to this one. Turns out it's in the manual, who would have guessed? Look in the manual under "Mission Editor" and look for "Chain of Command". It will tell you everything you need to know. :)

p.s. You can find the manual in the root game folder.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
     Wow, it's like there is a "ghost" element between you and the carrier lol. Lesson learned: RTFM

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
     Okay, I've been checking and re-checking my elements, and I still get the same result. Is there something else that I need in the mission that has nothing to do with the carrier-squadron-fighter connection? Such as mandatory Nav points? I ask this because when I select the mission to test play, all I see are the Cap ships in the PKG tab (no fighters at all show up on the list).
     Also, if you could provide screen shots of one of your missions 3 elements that link these up successfully, I'd appreciate it. I need to see exactly what each element is supposed to have checked off/unchecked. Thanks.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 08:05:54 pm by avatar1140 »


Offline braddw25

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Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor

Just a couple tips that might help.

First make sure you have a squandron of whatever fighter you want to fly in the mission. I usually make the squadron have at least 12 of the given ship. You can go as high as you like, but if you put more than 24 ships in the sqaudron it can cause floods of fighters to be launched by teh carrier. So first create a squadron of 12-24 ships of whatever craft you want to fly. Make sure that the sqaudron has the same IFF number (usually 1) as your carrier does, then in the carrier window make sure you select the name of your carrier to properly assign the squadron. You should click on the command AI box then so that it is highlighted, but none of the other boxes should be highlighted except this one.

Once you have the squardon, you then create an element made of up 1-4 fighters of the same type. Make sure that you select the name of your sqaudron that you created in the squandron window of the element. Do not assign the element to the carrier only to the squadron. Make sure you highlight the player, alert, and command AI boxes for the element and you should be all set. Hope this helps.

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
     Here are some screens to show what my setup is. Everything is done correctly as far as I can see, so perhaps it's something small I'm not catching. The first screen is the overall mission, the second is the Carrier Element, 3rd is the Squadron, and 4th is the Fighter wing (3 fighters).

[attachment deleted by ninja]

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
I think all you need to add is the load-out info for the squadron and it should be good. Both the squadron and the flight need to have the same load-out.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 08:57:48 pm by rscaper1070 »
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
     Made the loadout the same as the fighter wing, got same result. Attached a screenshot of what I've been seeing when I start the mission:
You can see the Player camera is placed inside the Carrier model, and none of the keyboard commands work except Escape key (mouse doesn't work).

[attachment deleted by ninja]

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
Ok, just noticed another mistake, the Reuben should be set as Commander of the flight not the Carrier. Hopefully that will do it.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
Yes, that did the trick :) Thanks
     Another curious event happened: after me and my wingmen launched, I noticed on the other rail (the left one) that there was a fighter wing called "Ranger" (2 Falcons) that launched as well (Rangers 1 and 2). Could this be the result of something else in the Carrier Element?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 09:35:56 pm by avatar1140 »

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
That's just the carrier sending out the rest of the squadron out on patrols. That's why Brad warned about creating ultra large squadrons, you might end up with way to many flights out.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
     Ok, I set the squadron amount to just 6, which seemed to solve that issue.
     The next bit of annoyance I have is during the mission itself. In the 3 times that I've flown it, one of my wingmen ended up colliding with me and destroying me, every time. Is there something in the Flight element I need to change or is this an expected bug? Thanks. BTW, I am using 2 wingmen, I know normally the missions I fly in the game you only have 1, could that be it? I also added some NAV points.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 10:06:21 pm by avatar1140 »

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
Not sure really. I've been trying to figure out the ai in this game for a while and I can't tell you what they think they're doing sometimes. Try the mission with just one wingman and see if that helps.
Did you hear that fellas? She says I have a Meritorious Unit.

Re: Having trouble with Mission Editor
     Tried it with 1, but then issued the order "Form Up" as soon as I launched, which he carried out. Seemed to solve that, now I'm going to try it with 2 wingmen. EDIT: worked with 2 wingmen.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 11:08:50 pm by avatar1140 »