Author Topic: Treelor plays Starshatter: The Gathering Storm!  (Read 3329 times)

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Offline Treelor

  • 24
Treelor plays Starshatter: The Gathering Storm!
For a game that's recently gone open-source, it doesn't seem like its getting much love. Save for a select few individuals on these forums, not too many people have been paying too much attention to it. I'm hoping to change that by making a few LP's on it.

(I don't know if you guys have media tags or anything like that - I haven't logged in to this account for years, I'm effectively brand new here.)

I hope you enjoy it - let me know what I can do better for future LP's!

Re: Treelor plays Starshatter: The Gathering Storm!
Good stuff, I liked it! :)
Freespace Tactics (Freespace port to StarShatter)

Re: Treelor plays Starshatter: The Gathering Storm!
Still, great videos, following them from the Youtube. :)
Freespace Tactics (Freespace port to StarShatter)