Author Topic: Board Guidelines  (Read 15571 times)

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Offline Axem

  • 211
Treat this board as an archive or library of released materials. A point where we congregate everything we've done into one place so someone can easily find content. Keep this in mind when posting here.

What's okay:
  • A release thread
  • A WIP, Beta or Test release thread (but please clearly mark it as such)
  • A re-release thread that has substantially newer content to warrant a new thread
    • I leave at what point to make a new thread to your judgement, but something like a bug fix patch doesn't need a new thread
    • If you're re-releasing or adopting someone else's content, you should probably do it in a new thread so its distinct from the original thread. Remember to give credit too!
  • A direct link to a release elsewhere on HLP or other FS community page (You can copy your original release post, or just have a lone link for people to follow)

What's not okay:
  • "Does anyone have any recommendations for...???"
  • "I have a request..."
  • "XXXXX doesn't work in 4.5.7 NEED HELP"

If you have a thread release post elsewhere and want it moved to here, PM a staff member, or use the report thread feature of the board to notify a staff member and we'll get it moved.