Current Version 0.4
Released June 17, 2020
Custom Mission Roles HUD Gauge v0.4
Background: Have you ever been playing a mission and completely forgot what each squadron or ship was supposed to do because you didn't take notes during the briefing? Wouldn't it be nice if the mission designer allowed you a cheat sheet to look at on the HUD? If you answered yes, then you should tell the mission designer about this script!
Description: This script allows modders/FREDers to create a HUD gauge that shows mission roles. The script displays a simple HUD gauge that shows a list of names, followed by a respective description. The FREDer can use lua sexps to add or remove entries from list at any point in the mission, and the gauge will display those changes.
Insallation:Go to the link:
hereDownload and copy the `cus_role_gauge-sexp.tbm` and `cus_role_gauge-sct.tbm` files into your mod's `data/tables` folder.
Useage:Run FRED, and you will see a new sexps to add or remove entries to the list ("Change"->"Script_Action"). To set more specific parameters like gauge location on the HUD, simply open the script file in a text editor and change the `User Options` values. Don't worry if you aren't comfortable with editing script files, the `User Options` all have descriptions and are easy to change.