Author Topic: The Ur-Quan Masters HD needs coders with normal map experince! (2D game)  (Read 2015 times)

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The Ur-Quan Masters HD needs coders with normal map experince! (2D game)
Hey all!

Since we have so many talented people right here, I thought I'd put this out so you guys could see.
Note - I have no personal relation to this project; just a star control 2 fanboy who cant stand to see it languish.
Anyway,  if there are any coders among us who are a little burnt from their current project and would like to contribute to an already mature project, then, please, give these guys a look!

Basically it's an entire remake of ToysForBob's classic cult game Star Control 2.  Dczanik, the lead artist and project leader, has painstakingly redid All the ingame artwork at 4x the original resolution.  You can see the fruits of his labor right now!  The game is currently in open beta and I strongly suggest anyone who has a passing interest in classic space adventure games to give it a try. It's considered by many to be the best in the genre. (Also has been on many top game list to boot.)  The mod is fully playable from start to finish.


But right now the project is dire need of some more hands particularly in the coding department.

He is currently trying to implement lighting into the game using normal maps, an area which their one active coder doesn't have experience.
Dczanik drew some mockups from this thread

The game still has the original art as an option

An example working from his HD Orz Nemesis

Lighting could apply to coms as well!

But all the art in the world is no good if it can't be put into the game.  It is currently a fork of the original Urquan Master's Project.

Re: The Ur-Quan Masters HD needs coders with normal map experince! (2D game)
I understand people are busy/not really interested in tackling such a project at this moment .  But if you know anyone who might be, please spread the word and point them over to the uqmhd's forum.