Modding, Mission Design, and Coding > Modding Tutorials

The Idiot's Guide to Nameplates (IMAGE-HEAVY)

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I'll add this to the tutorials.


Grunge is good. But having the text at full solid means that it looks less "painted" on to the surface it's on, so I usually make it anywhere from 2%-10% semi-transparent so that the hull details underneath provide the element of it being actually painted on, especially when you have normal-mapped seams/edges/panels it's going over.

If you have a perfectly flat spot for it to go on, then you can pretty much do as you like though.

You can also use my "Ship's Name" style of nameplating.  Create a raised area that will receive a unique texture.  This way you can create a name that is merged with the textures and doesn't look like a freshly applied decal.

Oh and you can add glowmaps, shinemaps and even normal mapping to it.


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