Community Projects > The FreeSpace Upgrade Project

Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014

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Trivial Psychic:
I've always found that bug to be beneficial to my score.  With the Ignore command often filtering up to friendly capital ships, that means that I can inflict a lot of the damage myself, then using the Attack command to get the nearby capital ships to help me finish off, but I've still inflicted enough of the damage myself that I get the kill.  I once tried to take on the Sathanas myself, but without the Colossus' firepower it took so long that I flew out of the authorized combat zone and got myself blown up.

Note that Colly's (nor anyone's, in retail) beams don't count towards the score, so it's actually pretty easy to get credited for the Sath. :) Just dismiss your wingmen and hit it a few times.

General Battuta:

--- Quote from: Trivial Psychic on March 29, 2014, 05:28:01 pm ---I've always found that bug to be beneficial to my score.  With the Ignore command often filtering up to friendly capital ships, that means that I can inflict a lot of the damage myself, then using the Attack command to get the nearby capital ships to help me finish off, but I've still inflicted enough of the damage myself that I get the kill.  I once tried to take on the Sathanas myself, but without the Colossus' firepower it took so long that I flew out of the authorized combat zone and got myself blown up.

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Wasn't much point to any of this, beam damage doesn't count towards kills!

This bug was supposed to be fixed awhile ago.  The comm system now uses ai-ignore-new, which doesn't prevent the Colossus from firing on the Hawkwood -- or at least, it shouldn't.  I hope this isn't a regression.


--- Quote from: Goober5000 on March 31, 2014, 08:02:09 am ---This bug was supposed to be fixed awhile ago.  The comm system now uses ai-ignore-new, which doesn't prevent the Colossus from firing on the Hawkwood -- or at least, it shouldn't.  I hope this isn't a regression.

--- End quote ---

I can confirm that this bug is alive and well in MVPS 4.7.3, and I always forget about it the first time I play the mission  :banghead:


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