Off-Topic Discussion > Gaming Discussion

Current FREE Games Promotions

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RULES (Please?):

* Game discounts, as opposed to FREE titles, go in the other thread dedicated to that purpose.
* Include the name of the game in question, and a link to the source (if possible)
* If the promotion expires, include the expiry date if known.
* Strike out dead entries when you become aware of them, and a mod/admin will remove them.
* Feel free to post when games become F2P, but these posts will be removed periodically (after a few weeks).
* Commentary is fine, but will be removed when the thread is periodically pruned.  Commentary of value (tech support, etc) will be split out.  Please try to keep unnecessary commentary out entirely - start a new discussion topic instead.
I'll prune the thread periodically, but other moderators are welcome to help out as well.  We're going to try to keep this to a single page topic.

EDIT:  A good find by Mongoose, we can also refer to this Gamespot list which is periodically updated but not always current:

The basic version of Crusader Kings II is currently free on Steam. By the looks of things you'd have to drop a few hundred on all of the DLC, though. What is this thing, Train Simulator?


--- Quote from: Scourge of Ages on June 14, 2023, 11:54:29 am ---Also free on as well

--- End quote ---
...y'know, I came here with every intention of posting that it was on GOG, but I think my brain substituted Steam without me realizing it, and I didn't even know I'd typed that instead until you posted. :lol:

Anyways, something called Sigma Theory is GOG's next sale giveaway.

Betrayer was just added to GOG and is available for free.

Dungeon of the Endless currently free on Steam.


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