General FreeSpace > Multiplayer

Is a dedicated server possible ?

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--- Quote from: shodan on December 05, 2024, 03:33:44 am ---fixed the mdns issue, but turning off all network adapters (usb network to my monitor, virtualbox virtual network, two zero tier adapters), now all 3 computers can see LAN servers

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the info. I'll add that to my list and see if I'm able fix it so that it works more reliably.

--- Quote ---will -standalone still try to render ?

does -standalone require all game assets ?

--- End quote ---

No, standalone doesn't render anything. It also does not require sound effects, music, textures, interface graphics, animations, or movies. However those things tend to be packaged together with things that it does need, which makes it difficult to reduce the number of required packages/files.

The standalone mode doesn't require much CPU power to run, but you will likely need at least 1 GB of free memory/RAM to properly run a mission. A Raspberry Pi 3 or newer, with at least 2 GB of RAM, will run a standalone server quite well (though you would need to compile your own FSO build, for arm64/aarch64). So anything more powerful than that should have no problem running a standalone.

--- Quote ---When starting the game, server got a popup "ONE OR MORE PLAYERS HAS HACKED DATA FILES"

Each client also saw PILOTNAME HAS HACKED TABLES/DATA  for all 3 other pilots

--- End quote ---

Yes that message will show up for most mods that you use. Only by playing on PXO is it able verify the data is valid. For your LAN game I wouldn't worry about it though. It's an annoying message but is otherwise harmless. Playing on PXO it would prevent your stats from saving, but the hacked data message has no real affect on LAN games.

--- Quote ---When I used standalone server creator on linux, seemingly nothing happenned, however the process was running (but could not be found by the client) It was unclear if the server had started or not, visually

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I'd never actually tried to use that feature before yesterday, but I noticed the same thing. There doesn't appear to be an indication that the standalone was started, that it's running, or provide a way to stop it. I'm not sure if that's a bug of just functionality which hasn't been implemented yet.

--- Quote ---What is the LOCK button for ? I could not change ship or loadout until it was pressed, this was confusing for a while

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Yeah the message and it's purpose really isn't clear on the UI. The user manual describes it like this:

In cooperative missions, the host of the game must assign all players to ships before players can choose their own ships and weapons. The host is free to drag and drop player names from one ship to another. For example, some players of the game may wish to fly in a particular wing that contains only bombers. The host can move those players into that wing. Once all players have been placed, the host clicks on the “Lock” button in the Ship Selection screen. Once players have been locked, they are free to start making ship and weapon selections. Once players have been locked and are free to choose their ships and weapons, they cannot be unlocked. Any ships that are not claimed by players are flown by AI (computer-controlled).

In team vs. team missions, the team captain for each team must assign players to ships before the ship selection process can begin. The team captain is designated by the host when the teams are initially formed, before the briefing stage begins. Once each team captain assigns players, the captain must click on the “Lock” button, after which all members of his team may select their ships and weapons.

After players have been locked, they are free to select different ships and weapons for themselves (if the host allows them to).

--- Quote ---Lastly I tried running the standalone server manually with the command

./bin/FSO-24.2.0/linux/fs2_open_24_2_0_x64.AppImage -parse_cmdline_only -standalone -mod fs1coopup-1.1.1,fsport-mediavps-4.7.2,fsport-3.7.3,MVPS-4.7.3

This failed with message
Aborted (core dumped)

--- End quote ---

Not sure about that one. Need more info to help figure something out.

--- Quote ---and what are

Are some of these redundant ?

--- End quote ---

Those are the used mods in dependency order, from the most important to the least important. So everything in that list is required to play and also have it look nice. The standalone server doesn't make use of all of that data, but it still needs it there so that the server and clients are running with the exact same data set.

I just had some success

created a debian lxc headless

I had to install

apt install -y libopenal1 libfreetype6

I mounted my library folder to /knossos

had to enable FUSE support in proxmox

This command started the server, two client joined and started the game

root@freespace:/knossos/library/FS2# ../bin/FSO-24.2.0/linux/fs2_open_24_2_0_x64-FASTDBG.AppImage -parse_cmdline_only -standalone -mod fs1coopup-1.1.1,fsport-mediavps-4.7.2,fsport-3.7.3,MVPS-4.7.3

here is my .conf file

"features: fuse=1" is the important change

root@proxmox:~# cat /etc/pve/nodes/proxmox/lxc/750.conf
arch: amd64
cmode: shell
cores: 8
features: fuse=1
hostname: freespace
memory: 4000
mp0: /mnt/knossos,mp=/knossos
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=0,hwaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:75:75,ip=dhcp,ip6=man                                                                                                                                                                                     ual,type=veth
ostype: debian
rootfs: local-lvm:vm-750-disk-0,size=64G
swap: 512
unprivileged: 1
lxc.idmap: u 0 100000 65536
lxc.idmap: g 0 100000 44
lxc.idmap: g 44 44 1
lxc.idmap: g 45 100045 65491

I imagine server setup is in


very late here, I'll give this more of a try tomorrow


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