Author Topic: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I  (Read 211862 times)

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Offline HLD_Prophecy

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Well, I finished it. Overall, a fun campaign with quite a few interesting missions, with the only exception being the final mission and ending. I feel like this campaign would have benefited from having a campaign map similar to what Axem used for Just Another Day, which would allow you to replay either branch without needing a separate campaign file. Still, I would definitely recommend playing it.

Hey, glad you liked it! Like any campaign, we have some polishing up to do, but it's good to know that on the whole the team did a satisfactory job. :)


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
When the shivans are dead, the mission refuses to end. The AWACS and cruiser go through the node, but the 2 vettes sit close to it and never move. Help?

Did you by any chance lose the Pallas in the nebula mission?  I found and fixed a bug that only happens if the Pallas didn't survive.

In playing "Thor's hammer" I successfully defended all 5 Mjolnirs however the shivan Corvette still manged to get away with 23%.
Kind of sucks to fail the secondly objective through RNG and no fault of my own.

Earlier in the project's history you could pretty safely get this objective, but whether due to SCP changes or mission changes this seems to have changed.  I've loosened the arrival conditions and increased the range of the Mjolnir guns.  You can also try disabling the corvette.

Mission Arachnophobia may need adjustments. Even if you EMP the cruisers and sentry guns, the station's flak guns still has enough time to shoot down all 6 bombs. I only manged to destroy the Beam cannon once out of 8 try's and unfortunately I died soon after. Very frustrating. :banghead:

Hmph.  The bombers are supposed to destroy all the flak guns with their Trebuchets.  I'll just turret-lock those particular turrets.

Well, I finished it. Overall, a fun campaign with quite a few interesting missions, with the only exception being the final mission and ending.

Thanks!  Part II is planned to be even more epic.

Out of curiosity, can you elaborate on why you think the final mission and ending was an exception?


Offline Thisisaverylongusername

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
The final mission felt like a BOE with little for the player to do, and the ending was just a three paragraph debriefing. I felt like there could have been more done with both.
If the opposite of pro is con, then is the opposite of progress Congress?


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
The final mission felt like a BOE with little for the player to do, and the ending was just a three paragraph debriefing. I felt like there could have been more done with both.

The player needs to defend the allied warships; if he doesn't, they won't be able to win the mission.  That's where the player can make a difference.  But the mission was otherwise designed as a massive fleet engagement, so I can see where the BoE feeling comes from.

The last mission isn't actually the end, only the end of Part I.  There is an interlude of a few years before Part II starts.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
So far it's an awesome campaign.  I ran into a minor technical problem though with "Arachnicide"...there is no voice acting for the main part of that script.  I can hear generic comments like "check your aft sensors" and "enemy wing arriving", but the plot text is silent during the mission and in the briefing/debriefing.

I had the same problem in the following mission.  No audio during the briefing or mission. 

When I tried to use a debug build to get a log it wouldn't let me start "Irkalla Passes".  I was able to get to the briefing screen but then I got this:

Warning: Couldn't find event name "Pallas survived" in mission sa_s1_07.fs2.
Returning false for event_status function.
File: sexp.cpp
Line: 13771

ntdll.dll! ZwWaitForSingleObject + 10 bytes
KERNELBASE.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 156 bytes
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
fs2_open_3_8_0_x64_SSE2-FASTDBG.exe! <no symbol>
kernel32.dll! BaseThreadInitThunk + 13 bytes
ntdll.dll! RtlUserThreadStart + 33 bytes

I made no changes between "Arachniphobia" and "Arachnicide" so I can't think of a technical reason why there would be VA in "Arachniphobia" but not in "Arachnicide" and onward.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 11:01:39 pm by CT27 »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
So far it's an awesome campaign.  I ran into a minor technical problem though with "Arachnicide"...there is no voice acting for the main part of that script.

Thanks. :)

Voice hasn't been generated yet for "Arachnicide", "Irkalla Passes", or "The Tablet of Destinies".  See the first post: "lacking ... synthesized voice in three missions".  I'm waiting for Sesquipedalian to do that.

When I tried to use a debug build to get a log it wouldn't let me start "Irkalla Passes".  I was able to get to the briefing screen but then I got this:

Warning: Couldn't find event name "Pallas survived" in mission sa_s1_07.fs2.
Returning false for event_status function.
File: sexp.cpp
Line: 13771

You should still be able to ignore that error and continue the mission.  This is a side-effect of the branching campaign structure; "Irkalla Passes" is where the GVTA and ISF branches merge again.  This happens because, since you came from the GVTA branch, sa_s1_07.fs2 isn't in the list of played missions.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I've run into a technical error on "Irkalla Passes".

I got most of the mission complete.  The Irkalla and that Bryn corvette exited.  Then most of the ISF force exited.  However, when it was time for the Himoltep and Halifax to exit, I think they both wanted to go to the same exit point in the node.  Those two ships literally ran into each other and then instead of jumping out, they both just stopped and were sitting there in the node.  So I couldn't complete the mission officially.  I tried jumping out and I got the "we have no recommendations for you" line at the debriefing but when I tried to advance it said I failed the mission and couldn't advance.
I was playing FSO 3.8.0 and I played the GTVA campaign.

Another issue in that mission (though this one is relatively minor):  the Taurvi bombers shot Cyclops warheads.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 01:46:01 am by CT27 »

Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I didvworked on 3 missions done tested the full campaign but im still bussy with screenies goober5000 sorry that it toom too long il sand you 3 screens from first e misdions first gonight
While im downloading forza motosport 7
I will hurry up from now on


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I've run into a technical error on "Irkalla Passes".

I got most of the mission complete.  The Irkalla and that Bryn corvette exited.  Then most of the ISF force exited.  However, when it was time for the Himoltep and Halifax to exit, I think they both wanted to go to the same exit point in the node.  Those two ships literally ran into each other and then instead of jumping out, they both just stopped and were sitting there in the node.  So I couldn't complete the mission officially.  I tried jumping out and I got the "we have no recommendations for you" line at the debriefing but when I tried to advance it said I failed the mission and couldn't advance.
I was playing FSO 3.8.0 and I played the GTVA campaign.

Another issue in that mission (though this one is relatively minor):  the Taurvi bombers shot Cyclops warheads.

I'll spend some time today working on those.  I've already fixed the Cyclops problem.

I didvworked on 3 missions done tested the full campaign but im still bussy with screenies goober5000 sorry that it toom too long il sand you 3 screens from first e misdions first gonight
While im downloading forza motosport 7
I will hurry up from now on

Thanks!  I look forward to it. :):yes:


Offline PIe

  • 28
Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I seem to have found a bug.
In the first mission of the ISF branch, the Draug will not die and the mission will not end.  Damage stalls at 10%, I suspect because neither Beta nor Gamma have the required weapons to kill it.
On the flip side,
Crashing the Party was the most fun I've had playing FS2 in quite some time.  The Shivan fighters are numerous enough and aggressive enough to make them a threat, but aren't ridiculously overpowering, and dogfighting among the dueling capships only makes the mission more frantic.
[6:23 PM] PIe: why do I have the feeling that I shouldn't be able to give orders to 22nd armored hq
[6:24 PM] Axem: 22nd armored hq, i order you to get me a cup of coffee
[6:24 PM] PIe: and donuts
[6:25 PM] Axem: :O
[6:25 PM] Axem: am i under arrest
[6:26 PM] [`_`]/: no, just please step out of the myrmidon
[6:26 PM] [`_`]/: you have so much to fred for

[9:50 PM] Sottises: wait did you do vassago's verge?
[9:50 PM] Sottises: .. dirge?
[9:50 PM] Axem: yes
[9:50 PM] Sottises: ohh
[9:50 PM] Sottises: well I have that and JAD too
[9:50 PM] Axem: :)
[9:50 PM] Sottises: what a contrast of themes lmao
[9:50 PM] Axem: isnt it
[9:51 PM] Axem: super grimdark thriller about unknowable alien intelligence and over the top colorful action about friendship
[9:51 PM] PIe: jad is grimdark???
[9:51 PM] Axem: :skull:


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I seem to have found a bug.
In the first mission of the ISF branch, the Draug will not die and the mission will not end.  Damage stalls at 10%, I suspect because neither Beta nor Gamma have the required weapons to kill it.

That's the Cyclops bug, which I've already fixed.  Run FSOInstaller or redownload scroll-root, and then switch to the "Scroll Part I at Branch Point" campaign to resume your progress.

On the flip side,
Crashing the Party was the most fun I've had playing FS2 in quite some time.  The Shivan fighters are numerous enough and aggressive enough to make them a threat, but aren't ridiculously overpowering, and dogfighting among the dueling capships only makes the mission more frantic.

Awesome. :)  I had fun making that mission.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I've run into a technical error on "Irkalla Passes".

I got most of the mission complete.  The Irkalla and that Bryn corvette exited.  Then most of the ISF force exited.  However, when it was time for the Himoltep and Halifax to exit, I think they both wanted to go to the same exit point in the node.  Those two ships literally ran into each other and then instead of jumping out, they both just stopped and were sitting there in the node.  So I couldn't complete the mission officially.  I tried jumping out and I got the "we have no recommendations for you" line at the debriefing but when I tried to advance it said I failed the mission and couldn't advance.
I was playing FSO 3.8.0 and I played the GTVA campaign.

Another issue in that mission (though this one is relatively minor):  the Taurvi bombers shot Cyclops warheads.

I'll spend some time today working on those.  I've already fixed the Cyclops problem.

Will this be a fix I have to go back to the branch point to apply?


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
These particular fixes don't affect the campaign file, so they don't require you to go back to the branch point.  They're almost done; I'll post an update later this evening.

I have to retract what I said about the Cyclops; turns out it isn't sufficient to use the Shivan bomb model, and they would all need changing to the Shivan Bomb table entry or something.  That will require a bit more work.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Okay, scroll-root has been updated.  This latest version includes several fixes and quite a lot of polishing for the s1_07, m2_01, and m2_02 missions.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I've downloaded the recent update.

However, I ran into a problem with "Accidents Will Happen."  The allied bombers don't have Cyclops torpedoesbombs in their loadout and I can't change loadout (it's locked and they are locked with one bank of Piranhas and two banks of Rockeyes).  So that corvette can't be destroyed.


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I've downloaded the recent update.

However, I ran into a problem with "Accidents Will Happen."  The allied bombers don't have Cyclops torpedoesbombs in their loadout and I can't change loadout (it's locked and they are locked with one bank of Piranhas and two banks of Rockeyes).  So that corvette can't be destroyed.

That's the Cyclops bug that was mentioned earlier in this thread.  You need to make sure you have started or reset your campaign subsequent to downloading the update.  You can use the "Scroll Part I at Branch Point" campaign instead of starting way back at the beginning, if you want.


Offline CT27

  • 211
Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I've downloaded the recent update.

However, I ran into a problem with "Accidents Will Happen."  The allied bombers don't have Cyclops torpedoesbombs in their loadout and I can't change loadout (it's locked and they are locked with one bank of Piranhas and two banks of Rockeyes).  So that corvette can't be destroyed.

That's the Cyclops bug that was mentioned earlier in this thread.  You need to make sure you have started or reset your campaign subsequent to downloading the update.  You can use the "Scroll Part I at Branch Point" campaign instead of starting way back at the beginning, if you want.

I tried both after downloading the update (using that branch point campaign you made, and deleting my player profile and starting over) and I was in the same boat with both:
Beta Sekhmet bombers didn't have Cyclops in their banks and I wasn't able to change their banks).

Some good news for what it's worth:  your fix did fix the issue of Taurvis firing Cyclops (though when the Shivan bomb is targeted it says Cyclops, but at least it looks like a Shivan bomb now).
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 02:04:07 am by CT27 »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I tried both after downloading the update (using that branch point campaign you made, and deleting my player profile and starting over) and I was in the same boat with both:
Beta Sekhmet bombers didn't have Cyclops in their banks and I wasn't able to change their banks).

If you're using a fixed campaign file and a new pilot, that shouldn't happen.  I just checked that the latest download contains the fixes.  Make sure you don't have any stray campaign files, and try playing a different mission in case it cached the wrong loadout.

Also, post your fs2_open.log.  And maybe your campaign file too, in case for some reason the Installer didn't pick up the update.

EDIT: Hmm, I just tested it myself.  It shouldn't be happening, but it is.  Currently investigating.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 12:57:46 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
Okay, that was an error with the mission file itself, not the campaign.  Curious why the bug only showed up now.  Anyway, it's fixed.  Download an update and restart the mission.  You shouldn't need to restart the campaign.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Scroll of Atankharzim, Part I
I downloaded the update and then started the mission again, but same problem unfortunately.  Beta's Sekhmets were locked in the weapons selection screen (Beta just had Piranhas and Rockeyes).

Here's a log.

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]